Page 114 - PARAMETER E
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Part 2 - Academic Manual Physical disabilities, and other legitimate health reasons; Pregnant female faculty are allowed to wear maternity dress during the period of their
pregnancy; and A faculty member who lost a loved one can wear mourning clothes during the
mourning period.
4.5. Attendance in University Activities
4.5.1. Several times during the academic year, the presence of all faculty members may be required.
These times of important decision making for students and faculty members include: The week of registration (One week before opening of classes) The first two weeks of classes The last week of the end of every semester.
4.5.2. Full time faculty members shall be on duty for a maximum of 40 hours a week in accordance to
a time schedule approved by the department head and the college dean.
4.5.3. Sometimes the services of some faculty members may be required. The College Head may
request the Vice President for Academics to extend the daily hours of work for all the
employees under him/her whose services are considered necessary. The College Head may
also require any or all the subordinate faculty member to work overtime, not only on workdays
but also on holidays.
4.5.4. The University affairs in which faculty members are expected to attend includes: Convocations. From time to time, the University invites distinguished guests and
individuals to speak before the student body on some topics of current interest. If a
faculty member receives a notice from the College head to attend the convocation, he
or she may opt to dismiss the class or if the attendance of the class is required, the
faculty member may bring the whole class to the program. If the faculty member
attends the convocation, then the credit is the same as having conducted the class.
Notably, however, that not all classes suspended during convocations may be
admitted, in view of the limited capacities of the assembly rooms. Only those classes
having a more direct bearing with the topic of the speaker may attend. If the faculty
member receives no notice, he/she should first consult the College Head as to
whether dismiss or bring the class to the convocation. Foundation Week/University Week. All faculty members are required to report and
participate in the activities of the University Day celebrations. Commencement Activities. The commencement week of the University is usually held
during the last week of March or in certain circumstances spilling over the first week
of April. All faculty members are required to attend the activities during the
commencement week, such as: Awards/Recognition Baccalaureate Graduation
The faculty members need to coordinate with the Office of the Registrar
and their College Head on matters concerning their attendance. Academic Council Meetings. These meetings are attended only by those teachers who
have academic rank of at least Assistant Professor or higher. Attendance is a must. General Assembly. The general assembly is to be attended by all members of the