Page 115 - PARAMETER E
P. 115
Part 2 - Academic Manual
4.6. Involvement in University Ad-Hoc Committees
4.6.1. The University creates ad-hoc committees to take responsibilities in planning, implementing,
and evaluating University activities such as Foundation Day, University Week, Commencement
Exercises, and other curricular and co-curricular activities sponsored by the University.
4.6.2. Communications requiring the involvement of a faculty member in any University ad-hoc
committee should be coursed through the Dean, then to the faculty member concerned. If a
faculty accepts an invitation to be a member of an ad-hoc committee, the faculty member
should make the necessary arrangement in order not to miss his/her class. In case the faculty
member has missed a class, he/she should conduct make-up classes.
4.7. Receiving and Accepting Invitations for Extension Services
4.7.1. Faculty members are allowed to accept invitations and engagements to speak in symposiums,
act as judges in competitions, attend LET reviews, and others, outside the University as long as
these activities do not conflict with their duties in the University. As much as possible, the
invitation should not disrupt the normal flow of classes, otherwise faculty members should
arrange make-up classes with their students. The number of accepted engagements and
invitations outside the University should not exceed 20% of the total number of days in a
4.7.2. Formal letters of invitations from outside the University should be coursed through the
President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean concerned, and finally the faculty
member. In accepting invitations, faculty members should send to the Office of the VPAA the
details of the invitations together with other relevant documents.
4.8. Collection of Monies
4.8.1. No solicitation for funds, canvassing for the sale of merchandise, subscriptions for securities,
insurance, publications, sale of tickets, and any other promotional or charity schemes shall be
conducted within the University without a previously written approval of the President.
4.8.2. No faculty member should directly or indirectly solicit, require, collect, or receive any money,
service or anything of value from any person or entity, in exchange for grades or for promotion
of any political, religious, or other partisan interests.
4.9. Tutorial and Remedial Services for a Fee
Faculty members are not allowed to conduct personal tutorial services of any kind for a fee
within the University. They should not require their students to attend other tutorial services
elsewhere, if with a cost.
4.10. Unauthorized Use and Sale of Textbooks
No book, outline, compilation, or syllabus, whether printed or duplicated, shall be used as a
basis or required textbook in any class unless approved by the Instructional Materials (IM)
committee of the Department, in accordance with the rules prescribed by the University President.
Prices shall be determined in accordance with the rules issued by the Committee of the University.
4.11. Use of University Names and Insignia
University names, seal, insignias and similar materials that are used to notify, advertise or
publicize events, products, or the like shall be posted only after a written permission from the
University President is obtained.