Page 110 - PARAMETER E
P. 110

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                                                       CHAPTER 4
                                   ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES IN THE ACADEME

             4.1. Flow of Communication
                           Members of the academic community are encouraged to raise issues through a variety of
                  channels. If the issue is administrative in nature, it is most appropriate to utilize the administrative
                  structure  including  the  Department  Head  and  the  Dean.  If  the  issue  is  within  the  premise  of  a
                  committee,  it  may  be  communicated  directly  with  the  members  of  the  committee  or  through  the
                  Committee Chair. In other cases, the issue may be brought to the Officers of the Faculty Association,
                  an elected body charged with representing the interests of the faculty members.
                           Details of the flow of communication in the academe are embodied in the Citizen’s Charter.

                  4.1.1.  Correspondence
               Language to be used in Official Correspondence
                                       All  official  communications  prepared  by  officials  and  employees  of  the
                                University shall be written in the English language.  Where it is definitely known that
                                the person to whom the communication is addressed cannot understand English, there
                                is no objection to enclosing a translation into the language, which the addressee would
                                understand.    Otherwise,  Filipino  being  the  National  Language  may  also  be  used  in
                                official correspondence.
               Preparation of Correspondence
                                      In  preparation  of  official  communication,  follow  the  standard  business
                                correspondence format.
               Promptness in Attending to Correspondence
                                   Request  for  action,  information,  or  reports  must  be  attended  to  with  the  least
                                possible delay.  The efficiency record of officials and employees who are persistently
                                delinquent in this regard is seriously affected and if it is necessary to delay action on
                                correspondence,  a  letter  of  explanation  should  be  sent  to  the  interested  official.
                                Academic and administrative officials should have their offices so organized as to have
                                correspondence attended to in their absence by the responsible person delegated for
                                this purpose.  Communications, which can be acted upon without the need of research
                                or consultations with other officials, should be answered within 24 hours after receipt
               The Coursing of Correspondence
                       Official letters should always be addressed to the Head of the Office, never
                                         to a subordinate in the office.
                       As  the  rules  require  that  official  correspondence,  no  matter  to  whom  it  is
                                         addressed, should be sent through official channels, i.e., through the office
                                         next higher or lower than the one transmitting it.
                       Except in emergencies where an urgent letter be sent direct, however, this
                                         need not be applied strictly in the case of correspondence among Deans of
                                         Colleges and Heads of Departments about minor matters, such as transfer of
                                         student, athletic meets, etc.

                       With the exceptions noted in the preceding paragraphs, official letters should
                                         be answered by return endorsements (numbered consecutively) in order that

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