Page 107 - PARAMETER E
P. 107

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                       Selection of the Awardee
                                                  The finalists will be observed and interviewed by a final board of
                                         judges composed of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President
                                         for  Research,  Development,  Extension  and  Training  ,  Deans  of  Colleges
                                         without  any  finalist,  Faculty  Association  President,  and  a  Student
                                         Government  representative.  Based  on  the  observations  and  result  of  the
                                         interviews,  the  Distinguished  Teacher  of  the  Year  Awardee  will  then  be
                                         determined from among the three finalists.

                                                 The Distinguished Teacher of the Year will be honored in a fitting
                                         ceremony during the University Foundation Celebration.  He/she will receive
                                         a plaque of recognition and a cash award from the University.

                  3.6.2.  Professorial Chair Awards
               Professorial Chair is a term used in educational institutions to designate a position of
                                prestige, usually in recognition of achievement in an educational endeavor.  A stipend,
                                honoraria, research funds or other forms of emolument usually accompany the award.
               Professorial chair awards encourage the pursuit of academic excellence by recognizing
                                outstanding achievement in education in the areas of teaching, research, management
                                and service, and the arts.
               The Selection Committee shall be composed of the following:
                       The Vice-President for Academic Affairs, as Chairperson;
                       The  Vice-President  for  Research,  Development,  Extension  and  Training  as
                       The Vice-President for Administrative Affairs, as Member;
                       The Dean of the College where the Chair is available, as Member; and
                       Additional member(s) as stipulated by the donor of the chair.

               If any of the members listed above is himself/herself a possible nominee, he/she shall
                                be replaced by a member chosen by the remaining members of the Committee.
               In addition to having achieved distinction in an academic field as stipulated above, and
                                unless  otherwise  stipulated  in  the  terms  of  the  award  by  the  donor  of  the  chair,  a
                                recipient of the award for a professorial chair should possess the following qualities:
                        Independence of mind;
                        Originality and creativity;
                        Ability to communicate his/her ideas in writing or speaking, and
                        Qualities specified by the donor
               The  recipient  of  this  award  must  have  an  academic  rank  not  lower  than  Associate
                                Professor and/or must occupy an administrative position at the time of the award.
               A  chair  holder  must  be  willing  to  share  his/her  expertise  through  lectures,  seminar-
                                workshops, research publications, exhibits, or similar activities specified in the terms or
                                as determined by the Selection Committee.

                  3.6.3.  Emeritus/Emerita Awards
                The title Emeritus/Emerita is given to a faculty member or administrator who holds
                                the rank of at least Full Professor, in recognition of exceptional competence in his or

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