Page 104 - PARAMETER E
P. 104
Part 2 - Academic Manual
- Likewise, children of members of the faculty or administrative staff who are
currently enrolled in the University can enjoy free tuition fee during the entire
duration of their study provided they have no failing grades.
3.4. Sabbatical Leave
3.4.1. A sabbatical leave is a privilege granted to an individual who has demonstrated above average
ability in instruction, scholarship, research, or other creative accomplishment as a published
work, in his teaching or over-all performance.
3.4.2. The program aims to maintain and improve the quality of the educational programs of the
University by creating opportunities for the faculty member to enhance professional
competence through study, research, and other professional development activities.
3.4.3. Eligibility A faculty member with the rank of at least Associate Professor who has rendered a
minimum of six (6) years of continuous service is entitled to a sabbatical leave of one
full school year (2 terms and 1 summer). Services outside the University are considered part of the six-consecutive-year
requirement provided that they are rendered by the applicant on secondment to a
government institution, either locally or internationally and that the year immediately
before the filing is spent in the University. The required continuous service for the
subsequent leave shall be counted from the date of return. In cases where the
sabbatical leave applied for in writing is deferred due to scheduling difficulties, years of
continuous service for the next leave shall include the period of deferment. A sabbatical leave for not more than one year with full payment of salary may be
granted to a faculty member if in the judgment of the President and the Board of
Regents, the applicant’s record as a teacher or researcher shows reasonable assurance
of fulfillment of the aforementioned purpose of the sabbatical leave. No person shall receive a sabbatical leave more often than once in seven years.
3.4.4. Priority Categories
An applicant for a sabbatical leave may do one of the following options: To finish post-graduate studies on a particular discipline. For those requesting a leave
for a study leading to advanced terminal degrees, recent and consistent effort toward
the attainment of the degree should be shown; To conduct research. The completed research study shall be published in reputable
journals within or outside the University; To write/translate a book in relation to one's field of specialization; To write and produce a play or engage in any artistic production;
3.4.5. In case of publication of outputs of the sabbatical leave, rules and regulations on publication as
stipulated in the University code must be observed.
3.4.6. Procedures Application for sabbatical leave should be submitted to the University President,
through channels, at least one semester prior to the intended leave. Those who apply
for sabbatical leave should submit their plan at least one (1) term before the intended