Page 105 - PARAMETER E
P. 105

Part 2 - Academic Manual

                                leave  to  the  Vice-President  for  Academic  Affairs  for  approval.  The  Sabbatical  Leave
                                Award Committee composed of the following will evaluate the merit of the sabbatical
                       The Vice-President for Academic Affairs as Chairperson.
                       The Vice-President for Research, Planning and Extension, as Member
                       The Vice-President for Administrative Affairs, as Member
                       The Dean of the College where the applicant belongs, as Member

                The chairperson and committee members may also choose:
                       One representative from the Full Professor rank; and
                       One representative from the Associate Professor rank

                If  any  of  the  members  listed  above  is  himself/herself  an  applicant,  he/she  shall  be
                                replaced by a member chosen by the remaining members of the Committee.
                The Committee's recommendation shall be forwarded to the University President for
                                appropriate action. Unless the research to be undertaken requires teaching, a faculty
                                on sabbatical leave should not be engaged in teaching at any institution.

                  3.4.7.  Obligations
            A faculty member granted a sabbatical leave assumes a professional obligation to return
                            and render service to the  University  for a period of  at least two (2) full academic years
                            subsequent to his/her leave.
            Within three (3) months of the completion of a sabbatical leave, the faculty member must
                            file a written report to the University President, through channels. This report should detail
                            the accomplishments of the sabbatical leave specifically in terms of benefits accruing to the
                            University and the specific activities listed in the original sabbatical proposal. He/She may
                            be required to present a report in an appropriate forum.

             3.5.   Professional Development Activities
                  3.5.1. Educational, Social, Cultural, and Athletic Functions
               At  all  social  affairs  and  athletic  events  held  or  sponsored  by  the  University,  faculty
                                members  are  to  be  admitted  free  of  charge  unless  specified  otherwise.  Where  an
                                admission fee or charge is required, the University endeavors as much as possible to
                                provide special and adequate seating arrangements for faculty members.
                  3.5.2. SCUAA Athletic Events
               The University is a member of the State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association
                                (SCUAA)  and,  within  reasonable  limits,  faculty  members  may  secure  tickets  for  all
                                SCUAA  events.  Faculty  members  are  to  be  admitted  free  of  charge  to  any  and  all
                                athletic events authorized by the University unless specified otherwise.

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