P. 57

Part 1- Administrative Manual

                         have been finally decided.  However, when the exigencies of the service so require, then it
                         shall  be  filled  by  temporary  appointment  to  end  as  soon  as  the  employee  entitled  to  it  is
      To  ensure  objectivity  in  promotion,  a  Promotion/Selection  Board  (PSB)  shall  be  established
                         which shall be responsible for the adoption of a formal screening procedure and formulation of
                         criteria  for  the  evaluation  of  candidates  for  promotion.  CSC  MC3,  s.  2001  (Merit  Promotion
                         Plan for regular monitoring) and;
      An  appointment,  though  contested,  shall  take  effect  immediately  upon  its  issuance.  If  the
                         appointee assumes the duties of the position, the appointee is entitled to receive the salary
                         attached  to  the  position.  However,  the  appointment,  together  with  the  decision  of  the
                         University President shall be submitted to the Civil Service Commission for appropriate action
                         within  thirty  (30)  days  from  the  date  of  its  issuance.    Likewise,  such  an  appointment  shall
                         become ineffective in case the protest is finally resolved in favor of the protestee, in which
                         case he/she shall be reverted to his/her former position.

             4.4.10. Protest:

     Who may file a protest?
                               Only officers or employees who are qualified next-in-rank on the basis of the approved
                       System of Ranking Positions may file a protest against an appointment or a promotion;

     Form and contents of the protest
                               The  protest  shall  be  typewritten  on  legal  size  paper  and  shall  have  a  caption.  The
                       aggrieved party shall be  called the “Protestee”.  Provided that where the  University President,
                       after evaluation, finally decides in favor of the protester, the protestee who decides to file his/her
                       protest  shall  be  called  the  “Protester-Appellant”  and  the  former  protester,  the  “Protester-
                               The protester shall identify his/her present position and the contested position by official
                       title, item number and the calendar year budget  involved.  The salary attached to the position
                       and  the  organizational  unit  where  the  position  belongs  shall  also  be  indicated.    The  protester
                       shall state clearly the grounds for his/her protest and the reasons why he/she believes he/she
                       should  be  the  one  appointed  to  the  contested  position.    Failure  to  file  protest  within  the
                       prescribed  period  shall  be  deemed  a  waiver  of  one’s  right  and  no  protest  thereafter  shall  be

     Procedure in filing protest
     The   aggrieved   party shall file his/her  protest in triplicate directly to the University President
                        within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice of the issuance of an appointment;
     The  University  President  shall  decide  the  case  within  thirty  (30)  days  from  receipt  of  the
                        protest.    He/She  may  refer  the  case  to  a  person  or  group  of  persons  to  assist  him/her  in
                        evaluating the case;
     The  constituted body assigned to study the case shall, within fifteen (15) days from receipt
                        thereof, evaluate the reasons/grounds presented by the protester and submit in writing to the
                        University President its findings and recommendations.  The  University President shall finally
                        decide the protest within fifteen (15) days;
     A  copy  of  the  final  decision  of  the  University  President  shall  be  furnished  the  official  or
                        employee affected, within five (5) days from receipt by the HRMO; and
     If the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the decision, he/she may elevate his/her protest to
                        the Merit Systems Board, Civil Service Commission within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof.
                        (CSC MC2, 1991; Grievance Machinery dated January 26, 2003).

             4.4.11. Permit to Study

     Employees who wish to enrol and pursue his/her education must seek the approval/permission of
                       the University;

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