P. 60

Part 1- Administrative Manual

     Application for vacation or sick leave for one full day or more shall be indicated on the application
                       form which is to be accomplished at least in duplicate;
     Application for vacation leave shall be filed in advance, or whenever possible five (5) days before
                       going on such leave;
     Application for sick leave not filed in advance exceeding five (5) days shall be accompanied by a
                       medical certificate;
     An employee who is absent without approved leave shall not be entitled to receive his/her salary
                       corresponding to the period of his/her unauthorized leave of absence;
     An employee who is absent without official leave (AWOL) for thirty (30) days shall be notified in
                       writing by the University to report and explain the circumstances behind his being AWOL within
                       five (5) days from receipt of notice, otherwise, he/she shall be dropped from the rolls;
     An application for leave of absence, for thirty (30) calendar days or more shall be accompanied
                       by a clearance from money and property accountability. Said application should be endorsed by
                       the  Vice  President  of  Administration/Director  for  Administrative  Services  recommending
                       appropriate action. For faculty and staff members from satellite campuses, application for leave
                       of absence of more than 6 months shall have to be forwarded to the President for approval or
     In the application for leave of absence, the employee shall clearly indicate the purpose or reason
                       for such leave whether it  be for employment in private or other government offices, inside or
                       outside the country, otherwise such application shall be denied; and
     Any employee who makes any misrepresentation in the application for leave shall be subjected to
                       disciplinary action.

             4.4.15. Vacation Leave Credits

     Faculty  members  with  teaching  loads  and  other  assignments  during  vacation  period  shall  be
                       granted Service Credit equivalent to their official time on days of actual teaching provided they
                       are not paid honorarium;
     Faculty  members  who  are  given  special  assignments  during  the  vacation  period  by  their
                       immediate  supervisors  sanctioned  by  the  University  President  are  entitled  to  service  credits
                       provided they are not paid honorarium;
     Faculty members who report for work during term breaks, holidays, and other non-working days
                       as  authorized  by  the  President  will  also  be  given  Service  Credits  provided  they  are  not  paid
     Service credit shall be converted to vacation and sick leave using the following  formula pursuant
                       to LOI No. 1509:
                                             30 = No. of days in a month
                                                  X = the number of unused service credit in work days:
                                               69 = 58 days SV + 11 days Christmas Vacation
                                                   2 = the two kinds of leave
                                                   30X  +  69
                                                  __________  =  No. of vacation and sick leave

     Unused  service  credits  shall  be  converted  to  vacation  and  sick  leave  using  the  formula  stated
                       above.  The total vacation and sick leave that may accumulate to the credit of a teacher has no
     Commutation   of teacher’s   accumulated service  credits converted to vacation and sick leave
                       shall be allowed only to those who resign, retire or are separated from the service;
     Payment of terminal leave shall be made only after confirmation of the total accumulated leave of
                       the teacher.  For the purpose of confirmation, the claim shall be supported by pertinent records
                       showing dates, times, and places when and where service credits were earned;

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