Page 13 - DIVA_3_2022
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                      Package  (SNGP).  We  established  Joint   “as a longstanding supporter of the
                      Training  and  Evaluation  Centre  (JTEC)  and   human right Council, we are proud to
                      Defence  Institution  Building  School  (DIB).
                      We  engaged  in  strategic  discussions  on  be presenting Georgia’s candidacy for
                      Black  Sea  Security  and  elaborated  concrete   membership in the human rights Council for
                      steps  and  mechanisms  to  contribute  to  this
                      process.  At  the  same  time,  we  managed  to   the term 2023-2025.”
                      have first ever Ministerial and Heads of State
                      and Government level meetings of the NATO
                      Georgia Commission in the margins of NATO  mechanisms to Georgia’s occupied regions of
                      Summits,  which  produced  joint  documents.  Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali/South Ossetia.
                      We also hosted North Atlantic Council (NAC)
                      and Military Committee (MC) as well as joint  Georgia  has  made  the  promotion  and
                      exercises.                             protection of human rights the linchpin of its
                                                             democratic and rule of law transition and in
                      Both,   NATO   visibility   and   practical  this regard, the cooperation with the United
                      engagement were increased, bringing Georgia  Nations  human  rights  system,  including  the
                      closer to NATO standards and membership. I  Council and its mechanisms, the Treaty Bodies,
                      am glad to have been personally involved in  and  OHCHR  is  of  an  utmost  importance.
                      all of the above and consider those five years  Georgia  committed  to  translating  universal
                      productive  and  constructive  in  the  practical  norms into real and tangible improvements in
                      and  political  dimensions  of  NATO-Georgia  the lived reality of rights-holders throughout
                      relations. Once again, it is a matter of “when”  the  country.  As  a  longstanding  supporter
                      rather than “if” Georgia joins NATO.   of  the  Human  Right  Council,  we  are  proud
                                                             to  be  presenting  Georgia’s  candidacy  for
                      If one wanted to try to compare NATO and the  membership in the Human Rights Council for
                      United Nations, could one find similarities?  the term 2023-2025.
                      Both the UN and NATO aim to promote peace
                      and prosperity—this is what I see as the main  If  elected,  Georgia,  will  continue  to  actively
                      similarity between the two. NATO stands on  contribute  to  ensuring  effectiveness  in
                      UN core principles of peace, development, and  addressing  human  rights  violations  and
                      security. Nevertheless, the two organizations’  realization of the values and principles of the
                      specificities  and  structures  are  different.  United Nations and its human rights system
                      In  terms  of  working  environment,  every  globally.
                      diplomatic city has its own social scene, if you
                      please, which serves as the informal platform  As  Geneva  is  a  hub  of  multilateralism  and
                      of  exchanging  experiences  and  impressions,  hosts  the  highest  number  of  International
                      which might be helpful in formal matters later.  Organizations,  the  Permanent  Mission  of
                      Both Brussels and Geneva are great examples  Georgia  remains  as  vocal  as  possible  and
                      of network diplomacy in action.        closely  cooperates  with  the  wide  range  of
                                                             organisations  based  in  Geneva,  would  it  be
                      Here,  in  Geneva,  we  are  actively  engaged  in  economic,  humanitarian,  disarmament,
                      in  the  work  of  the  Human  Rights  Council,  environmental or other fields.
                      particularly  focusing  on  initiatives  aimed  at
                      advancement of rights of the most vulnerable  This year, we mark the 30  Anniversary since
                      groups,  with  special  emphasis  on  children,  Georgia joined the United Nations family and
                      women, girls, and internally displaced persons.  from the time of continues to deepen its ties
                      We are presenting on yearly basis the resolution  with the UN.
                      “Cooperation  with  Georgia”  which  calls  for
                      immediate and unimpeded access to be given  In  a  few  days,  Georgia  also  marks  its
                      to the Office of the High Commissioner and  Independence Day, commemorating May 26,
                      international and other regional human rights  1918 – the day when the Act of Independence

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