Page 17 - DIVA_3_2022
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                      national referendum on the             “I  have  initiated  amendments  to  the
                      Constitutional amendments              Constitution, which are fundamental in nature
                      On 5 June 2022, the people of Kazakhstan  and  significantly  alter  the  country’s  political
                      voted on amendments to the Constitution,  system.  We  are  transitioning  to  a  new  state
                      which  would  significantly  strengthen  model,  a  new  format  of  interaction  between
                      protection  of  human  rights.  They  meant  the state and society. This qualitative transition
                      limiting  presidential  powers,  enhancing  can be called the Second Republic,”-  President
                      checks  and  balances,  giving  more  power  Tokayev.
                      to  the  Parliament  and  making  it  more
                      representative  of  the  country’s  19  million  The  last  republican  referendum  was  held  in
                      population  and  to  regional  and  local  1995,  when  the  current  Constitution  was
                      authorities.                           adopted.  Amending  the  set  of  fundamental
                                                             principles  and  laws  of  the  nation  through  a
                      Human rights were again the recurring leitmotif,  popular vote in 2022 allowed every citizen to
                      with the amendments aimed at consolidating  directly participate in deciding the future of
                      the human rights protection mechanisms and  the country.
                      empowering the Constitutional Court to review
                      the normative legal acts for their compliance  achieving gender equality and
                      with the Constitution and consider the citizens’  empowering women and girls
                      appeals.  Another  noteworthy  revision  was  to  Having  made  significant  progress  in
                      grant  the  Commissioner  for  Human  Rights  building  a  society  with  equal  rights  and
                      an immunity from prosecution and the right  opportunities,  Kazakhstan  now  is  close
                      to  apply  to  the  Constitutional  Court,  as  well  to  gender  parity  in  access  to  primary  and
                      as  making  the  Ombudsperson  independent  secondary education. In the annual UNDP
                      and  not  accountable  to  any  state  bodies  and  Human  Development  Report  2020  on  the
                      officials.                             Gender Development Index, the state ranks
                                                             51 among 189 countries of the world, being
                      Furthermore,  to  finally  consolidate  the  in  the  group  of  states  with  low  gender
                      decision  to  abolish  the  capital  punishment,  inequality  index  in  empowerment  and  the
                      the Constitution of the New Kazakhstan now  labour  market,  along  with  countries  like
                      explicitly prohibits death penalty.    Malaysia, Hungary, Slovakia and Qatar.

                      w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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