Page 18 - DIVA_3_2022
P. 18


                                      The  state  is  determined  to  ensure  equal  other things, ensures accessible and inclusive
                                      rights  and  opportunities  for  men  and  workplace, as well as accessibility to transport
                                      women  and  eliminate  the  discrimination  services and parking spaces.
                                      against women. Some of the exemplary legal
                                      acts  include  the  2020  Law  that  increased  A significant change was made this year that
                                      responsibility  for  domestic  violence  and  introduced to the legislation the terminology
                                      the updated Concept of Family and Gender  of  “a  person  with  a  disability”  and  “a  child
                                      Policy,  which  outlined  priorities  on  issues  with a disability” instead of “the disabled”.
                                      such as early marriage, reproductive health,
                                      prevention  of  domestic  violence  and  It is also worth mentioning that in 2022 the quota
                                      women’s economic empowerment. Another  for  persons  with  disabilities  was  introduced
                                      law introduced a mandatory quota of 30%  in  the  Parliament’s  lower  house  Majilis  and
                                      for  women  and  youth  in  electoral  party  the  local  representative  bodies  -  maslikhats.
                                      lists and in the allocation of parliamentary  Furthermore, the country’s activist for the rights
                                      mandates.                              of persons with disabilities Ms. Lyazzat Kaltayeva
                                                                             succeeded to join the Senate.
                                      Today,  the  labor  market  witnesses  increase
                                      in  female  employment  rates,  with  almost  A  great  deal  still  needs  to  be  done  in  the
                                      half of all employees (49.1%) being women.  criminal  justice  and  law  enforcement  fields,
                                      As  of  1  January  2021,  the  most  recent  data  but it is clear that the country’s leadership is
                                      published, 55.5% of civil servants were female.  determined to continue its reform journey.
                                      Women lead the 36.7% of Kazakhstan’s NGOs
                                      (36.7%).                               kazakhstan and human rights in
                                      An  important  milestone  happened  last  The country has been actively engaging with
                                      year,  when  the  country  eliminated  banned  all  UN  bodies  and  mechanisms  to  meet
                                      professions for women, including in the areas  international  standards.  It  has  ratified  eight
                                      of industry, transport, and construction.  core international human rights instruments
                                                                             and  their  six  optional  protocols,  and
                                      rights of people with disabilities     recognized  the  competence  of  four  treaty
                                      Over the last years, the Government has been  bodies to examine individual complaints on
                                      focusing  on  supporting  the  persons  with  the alleged rights violations.
                                      disabilities. The notable normative acts are the
                                      2025  National  Plan  for  Ensuring  the  Rights  In  Geneva,  Kazakhstan  on  a  regular  basis
                                      and Improving the Quality of Life of Persons  presents  its  national  reports  in  the  treaty
                                      with  Disabilities  and  the  law,  which  among  bodies, with the most recent being the periodic

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