Page 14 - DIVA_3_2022
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                                      was adopted and which established the First  for guidance online or in person. We are in
                                      Democratic  Republic  of  Georgia  in  the  constant communication. Luckily technology
                                      aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917.  has  developed  so  much  that  working
                                      Independence Day is associated to some public  from  home  does  not  interfere  with  our
                                      and private events celebrating the history and  communication. Whether it is “on” or “offline”
                                      culture of Georgia.                    we are always motivated, agile and adaptive.
                                                                             Of course, in-person meetings are preferred,
                                      From  what  we  understand,  you  seem  to  be  but  when  it  comes  to  safety  and  health,  we
                                      a security policy specialist. What do you see  follow our host government regulations.
                                      as the major dangers facing our world? And
                                      why  do  so  many  people  find  this  field  so  Approximately 30 years ago Georgia became
                                      fascinating?                           a member of the United Nations family. Since
                                      Security is such a tangible and specific aspect  then,  your  country  has  been  continually
                                      of  the  study.  It  can  be  institutionalized  in  evolving. How is the situation today?
                                      theories, but at the end of the day, theoretical  Georgia  is  going  through  continuous
                                      solutions may not affect people on the ground  democratic reforms. We are the frontrunners
                                      as it was intended. Depending on where one  in the democratic development in our region
                                      stands, there are different security challenges.  and beyond. It is because of the multilateral
                                      For  the  liberal  world  order,  the  greatest  diplomacy and development tools, that we have
                                      security challenge is the rise of authoritarian  come  so  far.  Our  geostrategic  environment
                                      states, which promote conventional and non-  gives us the competitive advantage to be the
                                      conventional, hybrid, and asymmetric threats.  connecting  bridge  and  a  hub.  We  are  the
                                      The attempts of the revitalization of the Cold  EU  Associated  and  NATO  aspirant  country.
                                      War mentality remain to be a challenge, along  Though  20%  of  our  country  is  illegally
                                      with the attempts to re-establish the spheres  occupied, we do not let this fact hinder our
                                      of  influence  and  imposition  of  choices  on  development  and  strive  towards  democratic
                                      independent and sovereign states.      ideals.

                                      The World Economic Forum just stated that  Apart  from  your  famous  mineral  water,
                                      one  of  the  challenges  in  the  year  to  come  is  Borjomi,  what  are  the  main  export  goods
                                      cyber security and competition in space. Do  from Georgia?
                                      you share this point of view?          Indeed, both Borjomi resort and mineral water
                                      I  do  agree  that  both  cyber  security  and  brand are Georgian gems enjoyed worldwide.
                                      competition in space are challenges. It seems  But here is also an interesting fact: in addition
                                      to  me  that  threats  to  cyber  security  are  no  to  Borjomi,  Georgia  has  over  2,000  mineral
                                      longer  in  future.  Already  existing  tools  are  water springs.
                                      here and are more than capable of delivering
                                      immediate  damage  to  many  products  or  There is so much more to be explored though.
                                      programs,  heavily  depending  on  cyber  It has been scientifically proven that Georgian
                                      security  grid,  including  space  competition,  winemaking tradition is 8000 years old. Today
                                      which in its turn is a subject to consider for  Georgia produces a wide variety of wines in
                                      the strategic foresight experts for anticipatory  10 main wine-growing regions and has more
                                      governance. Cyber tools can be used to cause  than 500 recognized varieties of grapes.
                                      damage and destruction; it is a contemporary
                                      weapon and must be handled carefully.   Georgia’s wine exports grew considerably over
                                                                             the last years and were relatively stable in 2020,
                                      How do you and your staff at the Permanent  despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2015,
                                      Mission  deal  with  the  challenges  of  “online”  the number of bottles exported has increased
                                      diplomacy?                             by 156% and the value by 121%, thus exports
                                      We  quickly  adapted  to  the  online  format  at  to  most  countries  exhibited  similar  growth.
                                      the Mission. My door is always open when my  In 2020, the share of wine exports constituted
                                      team needs to discuss, debate matters, or ask  6.3% of Georgia`s total merchandise exports.

                                                                                  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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