Page 46 - DIVA_1_2014
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He published his astronomical disco-  ther apologetically, that he could no   As a young man, Barberini had even
        veries during 1610. A year later he   longer disseminate his opinions   written a poem praising Galileo.
        demonstrated his telescope to the   about Copernicus.
        mathematicians of the Vatican in                                      In 1624  Galileo went to Rome and
        Rome. Encouraged by the flattering   The prevailing belief was that orbits   asked his friend the Pope to revoke
        reception he received, in 1613 he pu-  of the planets were perfect circles.   the decree of 1616. Urban did not ac-
        blished a book in which he dared to   What is surprising is that Galileo   cept to do this but did allow Galileo
        state that Copernicus was right and   did not pay attention to the laws of   to write a book about "the systems
         Ptolemy, Aristotle and Plato were   Johannes Kepler which were first   of the world" in a general manner
        wrong. Galileo was a forceful writer   published in 1609. By analysing the   in order to show that Catholics were
        and wrote this book in Italian (and   astronomical observations of Tycho   perfectly aware of the work of Coper-
         not Latin), so that it had an impact   Brahe, Kepler discovered that the   nicus. Nevertheless, the preface and
        well beyond academic circles. Uni-  planets have elliptical orbits. This   the conclusions of the book would be
        versity lecturers teaching the works   would have been useful to Galileo   those dictated by Urban. The Pope
         of Aristotle understandably saw  since it showed that the geocentric   was in a difficult situation because
         this book as a threat to their liveli-  models of Aristotle and Ptolemy   a group within the church said that
         hood and tried to throw doubt on   were impossible, and thus supported   he was not doing enough to defend
         Galileo's discoveries. They said that   the theory of Copernicus.    Catholicism.
         he was mistaken about what he saw,
         that they were illusions created by   For the next seven years Galileo   Galileo returned to Florence and
         the telescope itself, that his views   lived in studious retirement in his   spent several years working on his
        were blasphemous and contradicted   house near Florence. However,     manuscript, which was published in
         the Bible -- which was                                                       1632 including the authori-
         suddenly promoted to                                                         zation of the Catholic cen-
         the status of a scientific                                                   sors since it did, indeed,
         treatise on astronomy.                                                       include the Pope's conclu-
         Galileo called this "the                                                     sions. Due to an outbreak
         logic of desperation". He                                                     of plague in Italy, Dialogue
         wrote to the authorities                                                      concerning the Two Chief
         in Rome pointing out                                                         Systems of the World was
         that it would be terrible                                                     published in Florence and
         if it were made a sin to                                                      not in Rome where the
         believe in something that                                                     Pope's censors could keep
         was scientifically correct.                                                   an eye on it. It was received
         He travelled to Rome                                                         with tumultuous acclaim
         and begged the autho-                                                         throughout Europe as a
         rities to make a change                                                      literary and philosophical
         in doctrine allowing for                                                      masterpiece -- and quickly
         radical new discoveries;                                                      sold out.
         a number of religious ex-
         perts supported him.                                                          Galileo had dutifully in-
                                                                                       cluded the official preface
         However, at this time the                                                     and conclusions, but his
         Roman Catholic Church                                                         enthusiastic
         was locked in a bitter                                                        glorifying the Copernican
         struggle with another                                                         system were so overwhel-
         branch of Christianity--                                                      ming that it made the
         Protestantism - which                                                         Pope's contribution look
         had thrown cherished be-                                                      ludicrous. Urban VIII ex-
         liefs and institutions into                                                   ploded in great anger and
         doubt. Faced with this                                                        ordered a prosecution. It
         threat, the Catholics had                                                     should be recalled that,
         convened the Council of                                                       already in 1616, Galileo had
         Trent  (1545-1563) to try and stem   in 1623 he published another book   been warned that it was a very risky
         the Protestant tide. The Pope's chief   which sought to explain astronomi-  business to promote the ideas of Co-
         theologian, Cardinal Bellarmine,   cal reality. The book included the   pernicus.
         fearing yet another threat to under-  revolutionary phrase: "The Book
         mine Catholic doctrine, decided to   of Nature is written in mathema-  Although he was now an elderly
         have Copernicus's findings declared   tical characters." It was dedicated   man in poor health he was ordered
         "false" and his books banned. Bel-  to the new Pope Urban VIII, who   to stand trial in Rome. It was a fore-
         larmine granted a personal audience   as Maffeo Barberini had been a   gone conclusion that he would be
         to Galileo in 1616 and told him, ra-   long-time acquaintance of Galileo.   found guilty, but he hoped to be let

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