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that was on trial. Furthermore, he was   der by both the prisoners and the   South Africa was shrinking and, in
         being tried by a system that he had   warders. The conditions in the pri-  a growing labour shortage, even the
         not chosen since he was forbidden   son began to improve. First of all,   government admitted that apartheid
         from voting. At the end of the trial   the inmates were not obliged to work   could not be sustained. From time
         the judge took three minutes to    and so had more time for them-     to time the authorities would make
         reach his verdict: life imprisonment.   selves. Soon sports were permitted.   tempting offers to release the pri-
         Mandela was 46 years old.          Then the prisoners were allowed to   soners if they would accept certain
                                            watch films, speak to each other and   conditions. It offered to set up three
         The inmates of Robben Island       receive better food. One of the grea-  separate parliaments for the whites,
         were determined to preserve their   test shortcomings was that they had   the coloureds and the blacks, but this
         dignity and self-respect, and gained   no news of the outside world. Even-  ridiculous idea was quickly dropped.
         strength from being kept together.   tually, the authorities began reading   Next, in January 1985 the prime-mi-
         The prisoners were required to break   out an edited news bulletin over the   nister, P.W. Botha, addressed parlia-
         stones, work in a lime quarry or col-  loudspeaker and, finally in 1980, the   ment and offered political prisoners
         lect seaweed. They were allowed to   prisoners were allowed to buy cen-  freedom if they rejected violence.
         enrol in correspondence courses and   sored copies of newspapers. Never-  Mandela replied: "It is up to you,
         many of them completed their for-  theless, national newspapers were   not us, to renounce violence," and
         mal education or university studies.   still forbidden from printing infor-  that he would only accept uncon-
         Mandela wrote a book that was in-  mation about Mandela. What the     ditional release and a complete end
         tended to be an inspiration for Afri-   prisoners did learn was that libera-   to apartheid. Throughout 1986 and
                                                                                         1987 talks took take
                                                                                         place between the ANC
                                                                                         and the South African
                                                                                         government as violence
                                                                                         at home and inter-
                                                                                         national disapproval
                                                                                         continued to put pres-
                                                                                         sure on the government.
                                                                                         In 1989, Mandela was
                                                                                         moved to even more
                                                                                         comfortable premises
                                                                                         at Victor Vorster Prison
                                                                                         near Cape Town.

                                                                                         In August 1989 Botha
                                                                                         resigned as State pres-
                                                                                         ident and his place was
                                                                                         taken by F.W. de
                                                                                         Klerk, who was deter-
                                                                                         mined to find a formula
                                                                                         for freeing Mandela. On 2
                                                                                         February 1990, de Klerk
                                                                                         made a speech to parlia-
                                                                                         ment lifting the bans on
         can freedom fighters and the manus-  tion movements had been victorious   the ANC, the Communist Party and
         cript was smuggled out of the prison.   in Angola and Mozambique. The tide   thirty-two other previously illegal
         During this same period, Mandela's   was turning!                     organizations. "The time for nego-
         wife Winnie was being repeatedly                                      tiations has arrived," he said.
         harassed by the police.            In March 1982, after eighteen years
                                            on Robben Island, Mandela and      On ii February 1990 Nelson Mandela
         On 16 June 1976, the police opened   Walter Sisulu were transferred to   was released from prison amongst
         fire in Soweto on students who were   Pollsmoor Prison. Then, in May  tumultuous scenes. Finally, the
         demonstrating because they did not   1984, after twenty-one years of sepa-  government accepted a single, elec-
         want to be educated in Afrikaans.   ration, he was able to hold his wife   ted constitutional assembly and free
         This day is now a public holiday in   Winnie in his arms.             democratic elections, which were
         South Africa. In the following weeks                                  held on 27 April 1994. Two weeks la-
         hundreds of students were killed   Signs of a change of attitude on   ter, on ii May, Mandela was sworn in
         and, at last, the world began to take   the part of the South African go-  as South Africa's first democratically
         an interest in what was happening.   vernment became more frequent    elected president.
                                            as international bankers showed
         Gradually, over the years, Mandela   that they had lost confidence in the                 JOHN FOX
         was acknowledged as a great lea-   regime. The white population of

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