Page 47 - DIVA_1_2014
P. 47

Leaning Tower of Pisa - it has ne-
                                                                                ver been established if this is true or
                                                                                whether he was just joking. He also
                                                                                investigated the motion of objects
                                                                                travelling on an inclined plane and
                                                                                found the parabolic law of fired pro-
                                                                                jectiles which was useful for artillery-
                                                                                 men. His research also led him to
                                                                                 discover the conditions for the flo-
                                                                                 tation of solid bodies in a liquid.
                                                                                 In 1607 he constructed an elemen-
                                                                                 tary form of air thermometer.
                                                      Galileo before the Holy Office
                                                     JnsephNico1as ROb(Vt-11( Ill". -  1847
                                                                                 Another of Galileo's ideas was that
                                                                                 the orbit of the Earth around the
          off with a reprimand. However, the   invented the pendulum clock using
          verdict on 21 June 1633 was that he   this principle.                  Sun could be used as a base to mea-
          must recant. For Galileo the choice                                    sure the distance of the nearest stars
          was simple: renounce Copernicus    What marks Galileo's science is, in   by parallax. He suggested that other
                                                                                 planets in the Solar System would
          and live or support Copernicus and   contrast to the usual practice of the
                                                                                 have moons and predicted that light
          die -- either in prison or at the   time, a mixture of the theoretical
                                                                                 travels with an extremely great but
          stake, as others had done.         and the experimental. He is often
                                                                                 measurable velocity.
                                             referred to as the father of modern
          As a devout Catholic, he felt obli-  experimental physics. He perceived
          ged to respect the Pope's authority.   that mathematics and physics would   Galileo added to his income by ma-
          He recited a humiliating formula   join forces, and in this way paved   king calculators for the military and
          in which he renounced his error in   the way for Newton's laws some six   optical lenses, and it was in this way
          spreading the ideas of Copernicus.   decades later.                    that he had first been asked to make
          He was sentenced to prison, which                                      telescopes, which became the best in
          the Pope commuted to house arrest.   At the age of 22 he invented the hydro-  all Europe. Although the Venetian
          This ruling remained in effect for   static balance which was used by   authorities had granted him lifetime
                                                                                 tenure at Padua University, in 1610
          the last eight years of Galileo's life.   jewellers to assess precious metals.
          He was so famous, however, that he   Aged  25, he was awarded the post   he left to become philosopher and
                                                                                 mathematician to the Duke of Tus-
          continued to receive distinguished   of mathematics lecturer at Pisa Uni-
          foreign visitors at his house. It took   versity. Three years later, he became   cany, an appointment that left him
                                                                                 free to conduct research.
          the Catholic Church  203  years to   professor of mathematics at Padua
          admit that it was wrong!           University, where he remained for
                                             the next eighteen years and per-    Throughout much of his life Galileo
          Galileo had been born into the minor   formed the bulk of his outstanding   had suffered from long periods of ill
                                                                                 health. It is believed that the major
          aristocracy, which meant that he had   experimental work.
                                                                                 problem was gout brought about by
          to work for a living. As a teenager his
                                                                                 drinking too much wine, but he also
          father, a musician, had enrolled him   The most substantial contribution
          in Pisa University. One day during   of Galileo is the establishment of   suffered from an irregular pulse,
          his first year at university, Galileo   mechanics as a science based on   a hernia and eventually blindness.
          remarked a lamp swinging in Pisa   mathematics. His practical experi-  With the help of his young assis-
          Cathedral. He noted that it took the   ments discovered the laws of uni-  tant Viviani, he continued his scien-
                                                                                 tific correspondence with unbroken
          same time to complete an oscilla-  form acceleration, in that bodies of
                                                                                 vigour until his death on 8 January
          tion, independent of the distance   different weights fall at the same
          covered. Later in life, he suggested   speed -- disproving another of   1642. 	 I
          that the principle of the pendulum   Aristotle's proposals. In old age,
          could be used to make clocks. It was   he liked to say that he discovered     HAYWARD BEYWOOD
          in  1656  that Christiaan Huygens   this by dropping weights from the

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