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with a dynamic economy. From a country
lacking food for its own population, Viet Nam
has become one of leading exporters of rice
and several other agricultural products, con-
tributing to food security in the region and
the world, and is ready to join the UN in cop-
ing with the current food crisis.
Also, during this journey, with the support
from the UN and country partners, Viet Nam
was able to build market economy institution,
develop human resources, realize most of
Millennium Development Goals, especially
on poverty reduction, gender equality, health-
care, and education. Viet Nam is strongly
committed to and actively implementing the Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh Province, Northern Viet Nam
2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. Credit Viet Nam News Agency
Viet Nam has always been a reliable partner of FAO, Senegal on rice cultivation, later becom-
the UN and the international community and ing a model for South-South cooperation),
is ready to shoulder responsibilities and con- the implementation of the initiative «Unified
structively contribute for sustainable peace Action - One UN», joint efforts to combat
and development in the world. the COVID-19 pandemic and especially our
strong commitment at COP26 to bring net
Our country has been a strong proponent of emissions to «zero» by 2050.
multilateralism, upholding the UN Charter
and international law, making tireless efforts In the field of human rights, Viet Nam is cur-
for sustainable peace and development. We rently a party to 7 out of 9 key international
have sent our peacekeepers to UN Missions conventions, seriously fulfilling all relevant
in South Sudan, the Central African Republic obligations. At UN mechanisms, Viet Nam
and Abyei. We pioneered the reform of the UN actively cooperates with like-minded coun-
development system at country level with the tries to contribute a balanced voice and fight
Delivering as One Initiative since 2006. Dur- against the trend of politicization; advocate an
ing our terms in the Security Council (2008- approach based on dialogue and cooperation;
2009 and 2019-2020) and the Human Rights uphold the realization of economic, cultural,
Council (2014-2016), Viet Nam has strived to social and development rights in accordance
advance the women, peace and security agen- with the common interests of developing
da, brought attention to the impacts of climate countries.
change on the enjoyment of human rights,
promoted the cooperation between the UN This policy has also been promoted by Viet
and regional organizations, and strengthened Nam during the period it served as a member
the normative framework for the protection of the Human Rights Council for the 2014-
of civilians. 2016 term, including being a member of the
Core Group of promoting resolutions on en-
In the field of development, Viet Nam pre- suring human rights in the context of climate
sents a strong voice and great sense of re- change. Most recently, Viet Nam was elected
sponsibility in building an international eco- as a member of the Human Rights Council for
nomic, trade and financial order that is fair, the term 2023-2025. This would further help
equitable, inclusive and rules-based, protects Viet Nam to contribute to the work of the Hu-
human rights and legitimate interests of de- man Rights Council and pursue its consistent
veloping and underdeveloped countries. We guidelines and policies on ensuring and pro-
are a strong proponent of open trade under moting human rights.
the rules-based multilateral trading system
with the WTO at its core. Viet Nam›s imprint Q: Viet Nam has undergone impressive eco-
is also widely spread through the trilateral co- nomic development these last years. Could
operation model (initially between Viet Nam, you tell us a little about it and how you have
W W W . D I VA I N T E R N A T I O N A L . C H 11