Page 14 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 14
Pupils having lunch at Van Bao Elementary School, Ha Terrace field in Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai province,
Dong, Ha Noi - Credit Tuoi tre Thu do Northern Viet Nam - Credit Viet Nam News Agency
That means that participating in the WTO dis- affairs, equality and mutual interest; comply
cussion, we would like to make sure to commit with the Charter of the United Nations and
ourselves, at the same time new commitments international treaties in which the Socialist Re-
should be balanced, allowing us, as other de- public of Vietnam is a member; being a friend,
veloping countries, to build capacity for imple- reliable partner and responsible member in the
mentation, and certain space and flexibilities, international community for the sake of na-
i.e., Special and Differential Treatment (SDT), tional interests and contributing to the cause
that can support our fisheries, especially small of peace, national independence, democracy
scale and artisanal fisheries and to protect our and social progress in the world.
resource-poor fishermen and farmers.
At the bilateral level, Viet Nam seeks to deep-
We have been actively participating in the en relationship with all countries in the world,
WTO discussion which resulted in the WTO enhancing our strategic and comprehensives
Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies at the 12th partners particularly with ASEAN, G20, 5 per-
Ministerial Conference and we will continue to manent members of the United Nations Secu-
work with other WTO Members towards the rity Council.
effective implementation of this new Agree-
ment. At the multilateral level, promoting and ele-
vating Viet Nam’s profile and effectiveness at
Q: What are the main objectives in current Vi- multilateral forums has been identified by our
etnamese foreign policy? Party and State as a top strategic orientation.
After more than 35 years of Doi Moi with many Accordingly, we need to fulfill our responsi-
aforesaid achievements, Viet Nam is entering a bilities at the UN mechanisms and organi-
new strategic period with a strong vision and zations that we have been elected to, such as
aspiration for development to become a mod- Vice Chairman of the 77th General Assembly
ernized and industrialized country by 2045. (09/2022-09/2023), member of the Human
Right Council for the term 2023-2025, mem-
Our consistent foreign policy of peace, friend- ber of the UNESCO Executive Council for the
ship, cooperation and development is provid- 2021-2025 term, the IAEA Board of Gover-
ed for in our Constitution of 2013. Viet Nam nors for the 2021- 2023 term etc. At the same
consistently carries out a diplomatic policy of time, Viet Nam will work closely with the
independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, United Nations and international partners to
cooperation and development; seeks multilat- handle challenges that affect our security and
eral and diversified relations and actively seeks development interests in many ways, such as
international integration and cooperation climate change, food security, water security
on the basis of respect for each other›s inde- and epidemics, promoting green growth, dig-
pendence, sovereignty and territorial integ- ital transformation, and energy transforma-
rity, non-interference in each other›s internal tion.
14 W W W . D I VA I N T E R N A T I O N A L . C H