Page 12 - DIVA_4_2022
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              managed this tremendous ascension?             cies, administrative procedures and legal framework that
              Since the adoption of Doi Moi policies in 1986, with con-  has facilitated foreign investors and domestic businesses.
              sistent domestic reforms and international integration for  To date, Viet Nam has become a focal point in terms of
              implementing development goals in line with the MDGs  investment attraction and sustainable development.
              before and SDGs now, Viet Nam has achieved remarka-
              ble successes in both social and economic development,   Fourth, Viet Nam has also managed to mobilize invalu-
              raising living standard of its people. Despite many up-  able internal resources for national development. These
              heavals facing the world economy in the past decade,  include, among others, qualified and abundant human
              Viet Nam retains an average growth rate of 5.9 per cent   resources and the strong will of hard-working and for-
              per year during the 2011–2020 period, ranking it among  ward-looking people who have united and contribut-
              the world best performing economies. Particularly since  ed their part to the cause of national development and
              its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in   defense. Viet Nam has the third largest population in
              2007, Viet Nam has doubled its Gross Domestic Product   Southeast Asia (nearly 100 million), half of which is rel-
              (GDP) growth, impressively reduced poverty from 14%  atively young, below the age of 30. This well-educated,
              to 2% and become one of the twenty largest exporting  hard-working, with knowledge of and access to tech-
              countries in the world.                        nology and internet, and relatively cheap workforce has
                                                             become one of our major assets for promoting the coun-
              Such notable economic development is possible thanks  try’s competitiveness and FDI attraction. Local prices and
              to several factors.                            low-cost of living, with a relatively modern infrastructure
                                                             and beautiful landscape are also great reasons for inves-
              First, the Party and State of Viet Nam had conducted  tors and business people to consider when looking for
              timely and accurate renovation and development goals,  opportunities in the region.
              strategies and policies, fully supported by the people. The
              consistent and long-term goal that we pursue is to build a   In short, I think concerted actions by State institutions
              Viet Nam of «rich people, strong nation, with just, dem-  and policies of opening-up, steady reform, deep inter-
              ocratic and civilized society», in which economic growth  national integration, strong support of the people and
              must go hand in hand with comprehensive social and  national solidarity, together with a good combination
              cultural development, realizing social progress and jus-  of external resources and internal strength in pursuing
              tice and leaving no one behind. At the same time, Viet  agreed national goals have contributed to the successful
              Nam proactively contributes to maintaining peace, stabil-  story of Viet Nam’s economic ascension and sustainable
              ity and development in the region as well as contributing  development.
              to the common endeavor of people around the world for
              national independence, democracy and social progress.  Q: Has your country recovered from the Covid pandemic,
                                                             or do you still face problems like many other countries
              Second, the process of integration of Viet Nam into the   do?
              regional and global economy has been consistently car-  Viet Nam has prepared for the pandemic as early as the
              ried out. As the result of the open-door and integration  very first case of Covid-19 in the world was reported in
              guidelines, Viet Nam now has economic relations (trade  January 2020. Between  early 2020 to mid-2021, we ap-
              and investment) with over 230 countries and territories  plied the “zero-Covid” policy, with masks, tracing, and
              worldwide; serving as a destination for foreign investors   social-distancing, and gained certain success in con-
              from more than 130 countries and territories. Our inter-  trolling the number of Covid-19 cases across the country.
              national integration has been facilitated by our domes-  Despite the global economic recession and disruption
              tic law and policies and our participation in thousands  of supply chain due to Covid-19, Viet Nam was ranked
              of bilateral and multilateral agreements on various fields;  as the top performing economy in Asia, being among
              including the network of 15 FTAs such as CPTPP, EVF-  the few nations worldwide to record positive economic
              TA, RCEP; and we are continuing FTA negotiations   with   growth (2.9% in 2020 and 2.58% in 2021).
              several other partners.
                                                             After the initial success in containing the virus, Viet Nam
              Third, Viet Nam has successfully attracted FDI and also  was hit by the new wave of the pandemic in the second
              received and effectively used development assistance  half of 2021 due to the Delta variant. Faced with the great
              from international organization and country partners  challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Viet Nam
              and support from non-governmental organizations for  has effectively implemented a flexible Covid-19 response
              socio-economic development, particularly supporting  strategy in order to continue to pursue dual goals of
              the disadvantaged regions and vulnerable groups of our   fighting the pandemic and maintaining socio-economic
              people. At the same time, we preserved political stability  development. Thanks to the support of COVAX and oth-
              and transformed business environment, in term of poli-  er partners, Viet Nam has launched the largest vaccina-

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