Page 15 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 15
Q: Viet Nam has become an important tourist destina- nese, and to a lesser extent, French - which can help to
tion. What exactly do you have to offer? express ideas in highly creative ways. The language has
Viet Nam impresses foreign tourists with its hidden been influenced from Chinese as in East Asia region and
charm, imbued in the country’s vibrant street life, ex- the ancient Vietnamese script (Chữ Nôm) which was
quisite food and beautiful landscapes, as well as the based on Chinese characters but with phonetic elements
diversity of its terrain and local culture. A nation on to make it more suitable to the tones of the Vietnamese
the move, Viet Nam balances cool urban culture with language (in spoken form). However, Vietnamese is a
traditional values. In the cities, ancient pagodas squat language of indigenous origin, descended from an agri-
just around the corner from stylist rooftop bars or cultural civilization, in what is now the northern region
business centers; and in the countryside, life still fol- of Viet Nam. Vietnamese has dialects differing from the
lows the rhythms of the rivers and the rice harvest. North, Central, and South, mostly in their sound sys-
This contrast between old and new Viet Nam is a big tems but also in vocabulary, while modern standard Vi-
part of its appeal. Viet Nam is also charming for its etnamese is based on the Ha Noi dialect.
diverse natural beauty stretching from the aged-old
historical sites and tastes of modern life along the Today Vietnamese is written in Latin alphabet with bar
countries, beautiful bays and beaches and caves in the marks, called Quoc Ngu script (national language script),
North, Central and South. which became predominant in Viet Nam since early 20th
century, starting from the romanization of Vietnamese
All regions, from the Northern mountainous provinces, codified by Catholic missionaries in the 17th century.
Cao Bang, Sa Pa, Hoa Binh, to Ha Long Bay, Ha Noi (the
capital), Ninh Binh, and Central region, Da Nang, Quang However, today the ancient Vietnamese script (chữ
Nam, Da Lat, coastal region such as Ninh Thuan, Nha Nôm) can be read and written by a few Vietnamese peo-
Trang, to the Mekong river Delta, Phu Quoc island in ple, scholars, priests. The ancient Vietnamese scrip is also
Southern Viet Nam have become favorite destinations of being used in Vietnamese calligraphy, particularly for
international tourists. Popular agro-tours include experi- expressing best wishes during Lunar New Year or other
encing farming and joining activities such as growing cof- celebration occasions.
fee or tea, visiting local porcelain-making, silk-making,
fish sauce making and pearl-making factories, enjoying Other languages and scripts of ethnic minorities in Viet
local products such as fruits and seafood, boating in the Nam are being preserved. Viet Nam’s Constitution states
famous Cai Rang Floating Market in the Mekong River that “The national language is Vietnamese. Ethnic groups
etc. have the right to use their own languages and scripts,
preserve their national identity, and promote their fine
Viet Nam has fully reopened for international tourism customs, practices, traditions and culture.”
without Covid-19 restrictions (No vaccination certifi-
cate, No test requirements, No quarantine, No medical With the preservation of diversity of ethnicities, culture
declaration) and restored visa policies and immigration and geography, many of the habitats in Viet Nam have
procedures as before Covid-19. Now international tour- been recognized by the UNESCO as world cultural her-
ists are free to discover and enjoy various natural destina- itages sites, global geoparks or biosphere reserves. In Viet
tions like limestone mountains, green terraced rice fields, Nam all the ethnicities are equal, unified and respect and
and white sandy beaches as well as immerse themselves assist one another for mutual development; all acts of
in the diversity and vibrancy of the local life. national discrimination and division are strictly forbid-
den. The State implements comprehensive development
Q: You have your own language with its own alphabet. policies, providing conditions for the ethnic minorities
Could you tell us a little about its origins and evolution to promote their physical and spiritual abilities and to
as well as something about your country and its people in develop together with the nation.
Viet Nam is home of 54 ethnic groups with the population As you can see, Viet Nam, a family of nearly 100 million
of nearly 100 million people. The Vietnamese language is people from 54 different ethnicities practicing 16 major
the official language in Viet Nam and is the language of the religions and hundreds if not thousands of beliefs, is so
Kinh people, the mother tongue of about 85% (around 85 diverse, yet harmonious, a family that has gone through
million people) of the population of Viet Nam, along with the ups and downs of thousands-year long history to-
more than 4 million overseas Vietnamese. It is the second gether, and now moving forward to build a brighter
language of ethnic minorities in Viet Nam. common future. It is the harmony and unity amongst
all our ethnic and religious communities that have made
Vietnamese is a tonal language with diverse range of vo- Viet Nam a robustly growing economy and a dynamic
cabulary - both native and borrowed from ancient Chi- society as it is today./.
W W W . D I VA I N T E R N A T I O N A L . C H 15