Page 51 - DIVA_4_2022
P. 51
protects glaciers. 1940, with a relatively cool summer, the gla-
cier level was even lower. The evidence is in
This method deserves study, and has started the form of the much-publicised discovery
to be used to protect other glaciers. How- of the remains of aircraft and people in the
ever, it is not a complete remedy, as some melted ice. These were at a much lower level
glaciers are high or in inaccessible areas, or than expected, showing that the glacier was
have a steep incline, making cover impossi- already much lower than thought. This is a
ble. However, when it can be used the meth- puzzle for scientists to explain, but it is an
od seems efficient, and even though it is undeniable fact that the level in 1940 was
only a partial remedy and panacea it could much lower than it was this year. Some peo-
help save the glaciers for a while longer. ple believe that glaciers develop by their
own rules or cycles, and if this theory is
As, for the time being, it is saving and correct there is hope that part of the glaciers
guarding the sources of the Rhône river. As can return or even increase to their previous
this part of the glacier is in private hands, size. Time will show if it is this or climate
the family can decide to invest in it, but change and temperature increase which af-
the destiny of other glaciers is more pre- fect the glacier’s size and level.
carious. The increase in hot summers, like
this year’s, has led to such a decrease of the For now, we know we owe the survival of
glacier surface that some have broken into the Glacier du Rhône and its cave to one
parts, something which has never been seen family, guarding the Glacier du Rhône with
before. a blanket. We can hope that this Glacier will
be preserved better than the others, letting
Of course, putting the blame for receding the river Rhône bring its turbulent waters
glaciers on climate change has opponents. almost 300 km across Switzerland to Lake
There have been revolutionary studies con- Leman, flowing so sleepily past the banks of
ducted by Zurich university which conclude our peaceful city of Geneva before becom-
that climate change may not be to blame, ing again a huge river feeding France and
or not wholly so, and that for example, in the Mediterranean.
W W W . D I VA I N T E R N A T I O N A L . C H 51