Page 46 - DIVA_3_2023
P. 46

“My dream is to see

                                                                     stronger links between
                                                                     local Geneva and

                                                                     International Geneva.”

                                                                     Interview with

                                                                     Ivan Slatkine

                                                                     General Manager of the
                                                                     Slatkine Publishing House,

                                                                     and President of Fédération
                                                                     des entreprises romandes

                              Mr Slatkine is a familiar face in the media  In addition to these mandates, I sit on a number
                              and  a  well-known  and  highly  respected  of boards of directors, both in companies that
                              personality in Geneva, wearing several hats  are part of the Slatkine ‘group’ and in outside
                              –  either  in  the  political,  economic  or  the  companies.  Since  2022  I  have  also  been
                              cultural sphere. In other words, a very busy  chairman of a retirement and nursing home,
                              man, who kindly took of his precious time  the Foyer St-Paul in Cologny.
                              to answer our numerous questions. So, Mr
                              Slatkine, the floor is yours.          You and your brother run the family business,
                                                                     the Slatkine publishing house, the oldest book
                              Mr Slatkine, could you tell us a little about your  publishing house in Geneva. Could you tell us
                              background, personal as well as professional?  a little how it all started, and why you decided
                               I’m  a  native  of  Geneva.  I  earned  a  master’s  to work in the family business?
                              degree  in  econometrics  at  the  University  of  The Slatkine saga in the book trade began in
                              Geneva and then worked for two years in an  1918 when my great-grandfather opened the
                              American  multinational.  After  that,  I  went  bookshop  Slatkine  &  fils.  At  the  end  of  the
                              back  to  graduate  school  in  international  1950s,  my  father  set  up  Slatkine  Reprints,
                              studies  (  to  do  an  advanced  degree  (DES)  specialising in reprints of rare and out-of-print
                              in  history  and  international  politics.  At  the  works. The target audience was the academic
                              same time, I joined the family business, first  world and public and private libraries. In the
                              as  financial  director  and  then  as  general  early 1980s, my father published the first book
                              manager from 2022. I’ve been working in the  under the label Editions Slatkine, and following
                              family business for 27 years now, representing  on  from  that,  we  expanded  the  publishing
                              the 4th generation active in the book trade.  house  in  Geneva.  In  the  early  1970s,  my
                              At the same time, from 2001 to 2015 I was a  father had bought the Paris publishing house
                              member of the parliament of the Republic and  Honoré  Champion,  which  specialized  in
                              Canton of Geneva. In 2015, I left parliament  French scholarly works. Since then, we have
                              and took over the presidency of the Fédération  had an office in Paris to develop our business
                              des entreprises romandes.              in France.

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