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                              implementing the Water Action Agenda and to   The  Republic  of  Tajikistan  is  indeed  a
                              identify  obstacles  and  opportunities  related  to   mountainous country and, of course, mountains,
                              the fulfilment of the commitments outlined in   despite  their  inaccessibility,  make  my  country
                              the Water Action Agenda.               unique in its beauty and attractiveness. However,
                                                                     its  most  important  natural  wealth  must  be
                              The Conference also seeks to share best practices   considered freshwater reserves - the basis of life
                              and innovative solutions, strengthen partnerships   on Earth.
                              among stakeholders, promote the role of water
                              in  sustainable  development,  raise  awareness   It  should  be  noted  that  for  every  hectare  of
                              and mobilize political will to accelerate progress   irrigated land in Tajikistan, there is more than
                              towards achieving the water-related goals of the   one  hectare  of  glaciers,  or  about  six  hundred
                              2030 Agenda and contribute to the High-Level   thousand  cubic  metres  of  ice.  My  country
                              Political  Forum  on  Sustainable  Development   occupies a leading position in the CIS, both in
                              in 2024 and the preparatory process of the UN   terms of both glacial area and ice volume, as well
                              Water Conference in 2026.              as  the  size  of  glaciers.  The  solid,  frozen  water
                                                                     accumulated by nature over centuries is of vital
                              In addition to it, we would like to highlight the   importance for Tajikistan and the Central Asian
                              important  role  of  Tajikistan  in  advancing  the   region.  Although  the  Republic  of  Tajikistan
                              water  agenda  at  global  processes  like  the  UN   occupies about a tenth of the total area of Central
                              Conferences on climate (COPs). It’s great to see   Asia,  more  than  half  of  the  flow  of  the  entire
                              the progress made at COP 26, COP 27, and COP   region is formed on its territory. The glaciers of
                              28  in  highlighting  the  significance  of  water  in   Tajikistan  provide  more  than  13  km   of  water
                              achieving climate goals.               annually - almost a quarter of the country’s total
                                                                     river flow. Glaciers are not only accumulators but
                              In Glasgow, at COP 26, for the first time in the   also moisture regulators: they soften fluctuations
                              history of climate conferences, a water pavilion   in river discharge and lower the runoff variation
                              was  organized,  co-organized  by  Tajikistan,   coefficient, which is beneficial for all sectors of
                              Great  Britain,  Germany  and  the  Netherlands,   the country’s economy.
                              together with other international partners. We
                              were able to show that water is key to achieving   Unfortunately, at the present time, it is difficult to
                              climate  goals.  At  COP  27  in  Sharm  el-Sheikh   imagine a region of the world where the negative
                              we  already  made  great  progress  because  the   impact  of  climate  change  on  the  environment,
                              official  program  included  a  separate  thematic   water  resources  and  glaciers  would  not  be  felt.
                              day  dedicated  to  water  -  “Water  Day”.  For  the   For  example,  in  Tajikistan,  as  in  Switzerland,
                              first time in the history of climate conferences,   there has been a significant reduction in the area
                              the final document included one paragraph on   of glaciers over the past decades, which are of vital
                              the role of water in achieving adaptation climate   importance for the entire Central Asian region.
                              goals. We have made even more progress under
                              COP 28. Not only was water part of the COP 28   According to available data, there were more than
                              agenda,  but  countries  and  organizations  were   14,500 glaciers in Tajikistan, but climate change
                              committing  to  funding  and  accelerating  their   has resulted in the disappearance of up to 1,000
                              actions to achieve climate-related water goals. We   glaciers  and  the  degradation  of  approximately
                              look forward to also working with Azerbaijan,   35% of the remaining glaciers. Recognizing water
                              the COP 29 host country, to strengthen the role   resources as the main component of sustainable
                              of water in the COP 29 climate agenda.  development,  the  countries  of  the  region  are
                                                                     concerned with the changes in the hydrological
                              Tajikistan is a huge repository of glaciers, more   cycle, which adversely affect water, energy and
                              than 60 per cent of all Central Asia glaciers are   food security, and can lead to additional risks of
                              in Tajikistan. We have read that your country   floods and severe droughts.
                              is the most privileged, a glacier state. Do your
                              glaciers face dangers the way the glaciers here   The data provided by the public institute – ‘Tajik
                              in Switzerland are facing?             Hydromet’  indicates  that  if  the  existing  rates

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