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P. 12

Interview His Excellency
              mr Sharaf Sheralizoda

              Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan

                              Since arriving in Geneva almost a year ago, His   of  merits, is  a  humble  and gracious man.
                              Excellency has put his country on the agenda of   Notwithstanding his numerous professional
                              International  Geneva.  Tajikistan  is  not  only   obligations and a heavy schedule, he found time
                              the  country  where  the  glaciers  do  not  melt,   to receive us and answer our questions. The floor
                              but it is also the “water tower” of Central Asia.   is yours, Your Excellency.
                              These  days,  when  the  climate  is undergoing
                              disruptions  of  all  sorts,  and when most of   Your Excellency, could you tell us a little about
                              the glaciers  in  Switzerland  and  Europe  are   yourself?
                              melting noticeably,  we  were  curious  to  learn   My name is Sharaf Sheralizoda and I have been
                              more  about  this  phenomenon as  seen  from   appointed  as  the  Permanent  Representative  of
                              Tajikistan.  Let  us  briefly  mention  that  His   the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Nations
                              Excellency  has already a  long  and  impressive   Office and other International Organizations in
                              career to his credit and, despite an impressive list   Geneva, as well as the Ambassador Extraordinary

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