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It is reasonable that Tajikistan, being located at and hosting high-level international conferences
the source of freshwater reserves, cannot stay under the «Dushanbe Water Process». The
aside from the most important world problem Dushanbe high-level events, which are held every
–water issues. two years, provide a timely opportunity to expand
partnership, to find reasonable solutions to relevant
In this context, since its independence, issues and, most importantly, to build the trust and
Tajikistan has carried out a conscious policy cooperation between the states of the world.
of water diplomacy and actively promoted
water and climate issues on the global agenda The Dushanbe Water Process has served as
with the objective of attracting the attention a core linkage in the process of preparation
of governments and various international for the UN Conference on the Midterm
organizations. This diplomacy is in the light of Comprehensive Review of the Implementation
constructive initiatives in the water field. For of the International Decade for Action “Water
instance, over the past two decades our global for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”, which
initiatives, endorsed by the United Nations was held on March 22 – 24, 2023 in New York
General Assembly, have not only enhanced and co-chaired by the Republic of Tajikistan and
water supply for populations and economies the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
but also fostered dialogue and collaboration at
various levels to achieve internationally agreed- It is noteworthy that the first UN Water
upon water-related targets. Conference was held in 1977 in Mar del Plata,
Argentina. It took humanity almost 50 years
Our country possessed leadership role in to once again unite their efforts in this area.
the international arena as a result of the It is common knowledge that the world is far
implementation of the wise and good- behind the internationally agreed water targets,
neighbourliness policy pursued by the President including SDG 6, and abovementioned UN
of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Mr. Emomali Water Conference provided us with a unique
Rahmon. The world community has recognised opportunity to turn things around and get the
the Tajik Head of State is the initiator of five world back on track.
significant undertakings: «International Year It is also important to underline that the UN
of Fresh Water» (2003), International Decade Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive
for Action «Water for Life» (2005-2015), «The Review of Progress towards the Goals of the
International Year of Water Cooperation» International Decade for Action “Water for
(2013), International Decade for Action «Water Sustainable Development” 2018-2028 (UN
for Sustainable Development» (2018-2028), Water Conference-2023) was a timely event on
International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation a global scale given the aggravation of current
(2025) and the proclamation of 21 of March as challenges and threats and the increasing
World Day for Glaciers. Each of these initiatives urgency to strengthen cooperation on water
is implemented globally as vital to humanity. issues, respond to the consequences of climate
change and the green transition that positively
Last year, in 2023, Tajikistan became the world influences the current international conjecture.
leader in global water policy. Tell us more about One of the key outcomes of the Conference is
the progress of Tajikistan in this area, and how the Water Action Agenda, which is a collection
you expect to attain all goals of the Water Decade of all water-related voluntary commitments to
by 2028? accelerate progress in the second half of the Water
I have to emphasize that in order to facilitate Action Decade 2018-2028. As of May 2023, the
the implementation of the abovementioned Water Action Agenda has registered over 830
initiatives, and given the importance of the issue of voluntary commitments from governments,
concern and with a view to proactively engaging multilateral organizations, the private sector,
in promotion of the global water agenda, as well NGOs, academia, etc.
as to ensure a political dialogue platform, the
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, in Consequently, the implementation of the
cooperation with the United Nations, is organizing commitments made by countries and
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h