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                          Diva International Diplomat joins in mourning for our
                          devoted friend

                          Rashid kHAlikOV

                          Diva  International  Diplomat  with  the  deepest  sadness  learned  about  the  passing  away  of
                          Mr. Rashid Khalikov, and joins in mourning his close colleagues, family and friends. We also
                          profoundly share condolences expressed on behalf of the Director-General of the UNOG.

                          An outstanding person with a huge heart, a beautiful soul and bright mind, but also a visionary
                          and a strong believer in the spirit of Geneva International, and its humanitarianism, and he did
                          his utmost so that Geneva became the capital of humanitarian actions.

                          Mr. Rashid Khalikov was not only our devoted reader and a long-standing friend, he was also
                          our supporter and an often guest in our magazine. We publish his earlier interview with Diva
                          International Diplomat in memory of Rashid and to honour his contribution to the role of

                          We will always remember him and will miss his exceptional humanness and competence.
                          Today we lost our dear friend for decades.
                          Rest in peace, dear Rashid. You will always be in our memory.

                          Marit Fosse and Evelina Rioukhina

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