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                     6    Interview with
                     H.E. Mr. Yuri STERK                      32  no sex pour les Shakers
                     Ambassador of Bulgaria to the
                     United nations in Geneva                 34  Uzbekistan: The Pearl
                                                              of Central Asia: a wonderful
                     12  Interview with H. e. Deputy          photobook
                     Foreign Minister of Armenia
                     Vahan Kostanyan                          40  The place where the clocks
                                                              never strike 12
                     16  Water as a source of life and
                     interfaith cooperation                   44  The Oldest Board Game
                                                              – the Royal Game of Ur – was
                     18  Part one of a two part interview     it the first game of strategy?
                     with Prof. Alfred de Zayas
                                                              49  Interview with
                     24  Interview with                       Dr Irvin Finkel
                     Professor Dr Alaa Al-Alaq                Curator in the British Museum
                     Director General of the Department       in london, United kingdom
                     of Cultural relations

                     26  Women entrepreneurs
                     explain how to do business

                     28  Journée Internationale du vivre
                     ensemble en Paix
                     « la Paix au cœur de l’Éducation »

                     30  Makhtumkuli Fraghi
                     one of the great eastern poets,
                     fighter for human rights and freedom

                  The views expressed are the     Mailing address:               Editor: Marit Fosse
                  responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina
                  not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1
             ®    of DIVA                         Palais des Nations             Graphic Design: Iris Hariz
                                                  1211 Geneva 10
                                                  Tel: +41 22 917 43 01          Contributing to this issue:
                  DIVA International is a publication                            Robert J. Parsons, Alfred de Zayas,
                  of Graficim Media Ltd           E-mail:                        Pierre-Michel Virot, Annegret Matari,
                  29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Jean-Michel Wissmer,
                  WC2A3EE, England                                               Christian David, Veronique Vesval,
                                                                                 Daniel Albertini Milord.
                  ISSN: 1660-1934

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