Page 22 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 22

were affected. The government immediately drafted  of our territory. It's a complex situation and involves a lot
          a new economic policy, which is mainly designed  of components such as the withdrawal of the Armenian
          for the non-energy sector. In 2007-2008, in addition  occupation forces from Azerbaijan, return of Azerbaijani
          to oil exploration, we discovered huge offshore gas  refugees and the internally displaced persons to their
          fields. Today gas production is more important than  native lands, the complete restoration of the economy of
          oil production, and today we are finalizing the longest  the presently occupied area.. This is the reason why the end
          pipeline from the Caspian Sea to Italy.              of the occupation is a complex notion. This is the priority,
                                                               and it finds its manifestations in internal policy, external
          Today we are investing a lot in infrastructure projects,  policy, economic policy and even in cultural policy. All
          environmental projects, tourism and health care. These  of our cultural elements, museums, monuments in the
          are the priority areas of our government.            occupied territories have been destroyed, so, this also
                                                               touches on culture. That continues to be the priority for
          Q:  What does Azerbaijan have to offer as a tourist  Azerbaijan. The rest comes after that.
          Let me put it this way: the territory of Azerbaijan  Q: Finally Mr Ambassador, you have now been posted
          contains 9 out of the world's 11 existing climatic zones.  in Geneva for more than two years. From your previous
          We do not have the classic dessert as in Saudi Arabia,  experiences, what are the pros and cons here?
          nor the tundra like in northern Canada and Russia, but  I am a person who always looks at things from an
          all the rest is there, lakes, mountains, sea... In the north,  optimistic point of view. First of all, Geneva is very well
          we have the Caucasian mountains that mark the border  suited to be the centre of international diplomacy. It is
          between Russia and Azerbaijan. There we have fantastic  not a big city, but it's very well organized, like Switzerland
          resorts with international airports. People go there to ski.  in general. Sometimes as a diplomat I feel a little
          We also provide medical tourism. We have two unique  ashamed vis a vis the local Swiss population because of
          things. One is the medical spa in the city of Naftalan, and  us, diplomats giving probably so many headaches to the
          the other one is a salt mine in Nakhchivan region, where  local authorities. Probably they have plenty of reasons to
          people can stay and breathe. It's very good for people  be critical of the international community. In any case,
          with asthma and skin diseases. We are also developing  as a member of the diplomatic corps, I think the United
          cultural tourism. You can go up in the mountains, and  Nations is lucky to be located here, and I'm grateful for
           find unique villages with crafts going back to centuries,  all the support we get from the local authorities. We are
           more precisely the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries  also very grateful to the locals who are so tolerant and
          because they preserved their traditional way of life. It is  open, not only to us but also to our family members.
           also a very popular destination among tourists.     We are mostly busy in meetings in the United Nations
                                                               agencies, but we also have our family members who
           Q.  As  a former Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, what  are probably enjoying more of Geneva than we do. My
           challenges do you see as being ahead of your country,  impression of Geneva is also my wife's impression, so,
           apart from finding a peaceful solution of the conflict with  I see Geneva not only through my own eyes but also
           Armenia?                                            through those of my wife, who is more exposed to the
           First of all, since 1992, the priority for Azerbaijan's  city than I am.
           foreign policy has been putting an end to the occupation  Thank you very much Mr Ambassador.

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