Page 17 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 17


         My acquaintance with the United Nations system started  through all these organisations to first of all to use your
         in 1995 when I was appointed by the President to be the  time well and be able to represent your country to the
         Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Austria. I was at the same  best extent possible in each of these organizations.
         time the Permanent Representative to the Organization
         for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and  Secondly, you must be able to keep up with all the
         the United Nations office in Vienna, and I had to work  developments that these organizations have under way
         closely with some very important agencies - The United  these days.
         Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),
         International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United  Azerbaijan has quite advanced relations with the majority
         Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the  of of the United Nations agencies and structures located
         Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban  here in Geneva, which means that I and my staff need to
         Treaty Organization (CTBTO). The CTBT had been  cover all things happening here as much as possible. Each
         negotiated here in Geneva, but the implementation body  of my diplomats is multi-functional, handling a lot of
         was set up in Vienna.                               different topics. It's challenging, but it also keeps you fit.

         At that time, life was quite dynamic. After Vienna, I  Q:  Your country has just celebrated 25 years of
         returned to Baku, and worked as Minister of Foreign  independence from the Soviet Union, but before that you
         Affairs, and then I was appointed to Italy. While working  also had a short period of independence 100 years ago.
         in Italy, I was again in touch with the United Nations for  How do you perceive that period?
         the three major UN organizations based in Rome - United  It is an interesting question and not easy to answer in a
         Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The  short way, but I will try. Last year and this year we are
         International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)  celebrating two important dates in our history. Last
         and the World Food Programme (WFP). This was the  year, in 2017, we celebrated the   25th   anniversary of
         second time that I was, so to speak, facing the United  becoming part of the United Nations. We joined in
         Nations organisations.                              March 1992. Being a member of the United Nations has
                                                             important political bearing. First of all, we became part
         And finally, now I work here in Geneva, and this time  of the United Nations family. Secondly, being part of the
         my work is exclusively with the United Nations and  United Nations not only is a privilege but it also implies
         the affiliated agencies. Some of my colleagues are also  a lot of obligations and commitments, such as becoming
         ambassadors to Switzerland but this is not my case.  members of international bodies, working groups,
         Azerbaijan and Switzerland have a lot of bilateral relations  conventions etc. So, we tried, and continue to try, in our
         that require a separate ambassador, so, I have a colleague  efforts - through both our domestic and foreign policy
         in Bern handling those relations while I deal only with  - to be full members of the international community and
         the UN agencies here in Geneva.                     to respect our engagements.

         Q: Only the United Nations organisations? But alone is  The United Nations is best suited to countries like
         already a huge job.                                 Azerbaijan, small and medium sized countries. For us,
         Well, that's true. Each organization has its own face, its  the United Nations is the best protection against any
         own mindset, so, you have to steer your way masterfully  calamites and any problems. Bigger countries are also

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