Page 21 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 21


        to West and from the West to East passing through  but surely we started to put the house in order. A very
        Azerbaijan. Of course it was important in terms of  important element of the economic policy at that time
        trade and money, but most important was perhaps not  was the opening of the oil fields of the Caspian Sea to the
        trade and money but that the population was always  outside world. Azerbaijan was the first country to invite
        in touch with foreigners and their cultures and ways  international oil companies to come and develop the
        of life, and this opened their minds and made them  sector. The first big oil contract between Azerbaijan and
        receptive to new ideas, to diversity, to a broad idea of  major international oil companies was signed in 1994. In
        society.                                            1997-1998, we saw the oil flowing. Azerbaijan was fast
                                                             developing with this oil money until 2015, it was going
        This is one of the reasons why there is such a diverse  like a rocket. In 2006, our annual growth was close to 40
        culture in Azerbaijan, and it is reflected in many ways, in  percent, and we were on the top on all the charts. It helped
        visual arts, music etc.                              us a lot in several ways. With all the money generated
                                                             from the oil, some people would say it's a curse, bad
        We invest a lot in culture and education. These are the  money, but all countries need money to develop. The big
        biggest budget items. From 1991 to 1993 it was difficult,  question is how you use it, either you waste it or you put
        but today we have overcome these challenges.         it into the right sectors. We immediately started to restore
                                                             and improve the infrastructure, because without roads,
        Culture is important for everybody, but for small countries  railways, electric lines, gas pipelines you cannot restore
        like ours, it gives a potential to survive, in particular today  the development of the country. This does not mean that
        in the globalized world when you are literally bombarded  we did not have this infrastructure before, but it was old
        by information either through emails, tweets or TV and  and in a bad shape after the Soviet Union's collapse. So
        internet, etc. I do not want to sound like a hard-line  the government invested a lot. This heavy investment, and
        conservative, for this is not the case. Although it is positive  the foundation it created, allow us today to invest in other
        that the information space belongs to everybody, it's also  sectors as well. Do not forget that we also had to invest a
        important to keep your own space. If you don't, you will be  lot in our defence sector because of the ongoing armed
        dissolved in a big global mass ranging from Coca Cola to  conflict with Armenia, and to continue to support almost
        whatever. The beauty of the world is in its multi-cultural,  1 million refugees and internally displaced persons that
        multi-coloured structure. Each culture has its own national  we have as the result of this conflict and occupation of
        colours. If we do not keep these various cultures, we will  20 percent of our territories by Armenia. We have been
        end up with one vast, grey space, where all the colours  building new houses for them. They are now provided
        are dissolved slowly but surely. Today all major shopping  with new accommodation, so, we do not have all these
        streets around the world look more or less the same, and  awful looking refugee camps like we had in the past.
        you find more or less the same brands everywhere.   Politically, the conflict continues, but the suffering of the
                                                            people has diminished. That was also an important area
        Q. Europe has still not recovered completelyfrom the 2008  to invest in.
        economic crisis. How are things in your country?
        In 1992, when Azerbaijan restored its independence, the  In 2015-16, we were seriously hit by the falling oil prices
        economic situation was a complete disaster. We had an  - thank God, not to the point of total chaos, for we were
        inflation at that time of almost 1,800 per cent. Slowly,  protected by our foreign currency reserves. But yes, we

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