Page 25 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 25


         considered a priority for our country, such as continued  roles in order to bring about peaceful settlements for a
         efforts to prevent intolerance, discrimination, defamation  number of crises and conflicts.
         ofreligions and their followers and to promote dialogue and
         peaceful coexistence to stop violence and extremism, in  The State of Qatar has provided humanitarian aid to more
         addition to supporting technical cooperation and capacity-  than 100 countries in various continents, particularly to
         building, implementing sustainable development goals  developing countries. This aid is very broad as it includes
         2030 and linking them to key human rights issues such as  many areas, such as emergency relief, reconstruction
         poverty eradication, paying attention to providing quality  programmes and contribution to sustainable development
         education opportunities and good health, promoting  projects, including health and education projects. The
         equality and preventing discrimination. We will also  State of Qatar's aid has reached almost 2 billion dollars
         continue to focus on the right of the Palestinian people  a year, which is more than 0.7% percentage rate of its
         to its accession to full statehood, on the end of the Israeli  national income. This ratio equals the one determined for
         occupation of Palestinian and other Arab territories and  the Nordic countries and other developed countries.
         the importance of keeping the agenda item on Human  Conscious of the importance of financing humanitarian
         Rights Situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab  assistance activities, the State of Qatar has provided
         Territories as a standing item on the Human Rights  support to United Nations agencies and enhanced
         Council's agenda to further highlight the grave violations  cooperation and coordination with these agencies in
         and international crimes committed by Israel against the  their humanitarian efforts. In this respect, the State of
         Palestinian people, and to ensure that perpetrators of such  Qatar has recently pledged US$ 40 million as a non-
         violations are held accountable through all remedies and  earmarked contribution payable over several years to
         justice. We will continue to follow attentively the cause of  the basic resources of the United Nations Office for the
         the Syrian people and their plight, work to ensure that the  Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The
         Council undertake an effective role in reflecting human  State of Qatar thus becomes one of the largest donors to
         rights violations in Syria, and to stress the need to hold  (OCHA).
         accountable all those responsible.                  The Stat of Qatar's humanitarian action has not
                                                             been limited to relief and assistance, but it has been
         With the intensifying humanitarian crises, conflicts  extended to creative initiatives aimed at preserving the
         and the flux of refugees and migrants, what is the role  future of coming generations. Notable among them
         undertaken by the State of Qatar to meet these crises  is Educate a Child program of the Education Above
         and challenges?                                     All Foundation, which aims to promote children's
         Qatar's foreign policy is based on the principle  education in areas of conflict and wars. This programme
         of cooperation and partnership to meet common  was launched by Qatar Foundation in 2005 to provide
         challenges. Qatar National Vision 2030 states that State  educational opportunities for millions of children in the
         of Qatar, being an active and responsible member of the  world in difficult and troubled areas. In the presence of Her
         international community, will contribute to attaining  Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser, who is a member
         international peace and security through political and  of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
         economic initiatives and development and humanitarian  Group, a member of the United Nations advocates for the
         assistance. Qatar's active involvement in international  Sustainable Development Goals, founder and chairperson
         cooperation related to development and humanitarian  of Education Above All Foundation, a ceremony was held
         field, while defining its focus areas of support, global  recently in Geneva and New York marking the success
         bodies, developing and least developed countries, are  of the programme in its objective of helping 10 million
         all efforts aimed operationalizing the 17th International  of the most marginalized out of school children, in the
         Development Goal (SDG 17) on the International  most difficult and challenging areas around the world, to
         Partnership for Development, as a collective and shared  receive quality, primary education
         responsibility varying according to capacities.
                                                             In this respect, I would like to mention the significant and
         The State of Qatar has consistently sought to strengthen  distinct role played by Qatari charitable organizations in
         its regional and international partnerships and to play a  providing humanitarian and development assistance.
         pioneering and distinctive role as an international partner  This has been illustrated by the fact that Qatar Charity
         that can be relied upon in humanitarian response efforts,  has for many years been ranked first in the world in terms
         in promoting sustainable development and in building  of providing relief of a number of peoples, especially the
         international peace and security by launching initiatives  Syrian, Palestinian and Somali peoples, according to
         and providing development and humanitarian assistance  NGOs' classification and the report of Financial Track-
         to countries facing economic and humanitarian crises  ing Service of international relief assistance of the United
         and natural disasters, as well as by playing mediation  Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian

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