Page 29 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 29


                                                                                 their gaps and learn at their own
         As in Lebanese Alternative Learn-                                  '
         ing we are engaged in recycling we                                      pace.
         thought why not to recycle the                                          3. Art, culture and knowledge in
         word Tabshoura for our digital                                          Arabic. There are very few interest-
         platform? And so we did. This was                                       ing resources in Arabic. We want
         (and still is) the name of our online                                   to encourage state of the art extra-
         platform: it can be Tabshoura/Kin-                                      curricular resources in Arabic.
         dergarten or Tabshoura/Middle                     Oil    \
         School or Tabshoura/Steam...                                            Q: One of the bottlenecks to new
                                                       "As the                   projects is often the funding. How
         To solve the bad / unreliable Inter-                                    did you manage to find money to
         net connection and the unstable          Raspberry Pi                   put into practice your ideas?
         electricity availability, we used a                                     This is effectively the hard part.
         Raspberry Pi and transformed it    measures 12.5x 7.5x                  We mainly answer grant proposals
         into a web server with all the con-                                     and sometimes we have small do-
         tents of our platforms on it. As the   2.5cm it looks like              nations from friends of the NGO.
         Raspberry Pi measures 12.5 x 7.5                                        The recognition of our program
         x 2.5cm it looks like a little chalk   a little chalk box               by UN equal and Qatar Wise Ac-
         box so we called it Tabshoura-In-                                       celerator and its sustainability will
         A-Box.                                   so we called it                hopefully help us get more grants.
                                                                                 As part of the 2018 selection of the
         Q:  What are the challenges you  Tabshoura-In-A-Box.                    WISE accelerator in Qatar, we will

         wish to address?                                                        get professional help building a
         1. The right to free quality education. As a trainer of  sustainable plan for our NGO.
         trainers, I visited schools all around Lebanon and was
         shocked by the disparity of the teaching methodologies  Q: Why do you consider that access for women to technol-
         between the private and the public system and between  ogy is so important?
         areas. Those who had the chance to be in a private school  Technology is not a luxury. It became a must in today's
         had access to quality learning. The others still cope with a  world. Women cannot be an active part of the modern so-
         traditional ways of teaching not adapted to the 21St cen-  ciety if they are denied the right to access it through tech-
         tury skills. They definitely did not have equal chances to  nology. They cannot keep up with their children either.
         pursue their learning.
         2.  Avoiding dropouts and keeping up with school. We  Q. Finally, where would you like to see your organization
         help refugees and students living in remote area keep up  a couple of years from now?
         with school and avoid dropout. This is why our content is  Full curriculum completed and more time to work on
         adapted to the school curriculum and is based on a dis-  extra-curricular resources, teacher's empowerment and
         covery methodology that encourage autonomous learn-  women empowerment by providing on line education
         ing and reasoning skills. Students use our content to fill  and trainings.

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