Page 32 - DIVA_2_2018
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          the Charter. The flagrant violations of the right of self-  tinated and to this day has declined to invoke its own
          determination in Alaska and Hawaii justify revisiting the  procedure.
          1958 referenda and re-enlisting Alaska and Hawaii under
          Article of the UN Charter.                          What to do?
                                                              The Committee on Complementary Standards must
          Petition to CERD on Article 15 of ICERD for Alaska and  make recommendations to the Human Rights Council
          Hawaii                                              to address gaps in the treaty bodies and Special Proce-
          The Indian Council of South America (CISA) on behalf  dures, including to re-institute self-determination as an
          of the Indigenous Peoples and Nations Coalition (IPNC)  agenda item at the Human Rights Council and to explore
          delivered interventions presented by Ambassador Ronald  ways to address the politicization and selectivity and the
          Barnes concerning the institutional discrimination at the  lack of political will at the United Nations. The Human
          Ninth Working Group of the Ad Hoc on Complimentary  Rights Council must request the General Assembly and
          Standards. Paragraph 207 of the report gives the essential  the Special Committee on Decolonization to implement
          features succinctly:                                paragraph 69 (n) of report A/68/284 to review and re-
          The representative of the non-governmental organization  enlist Alaska and Hawaii. CERD and the Human Rights
          Indian Council of South America took the floor to make  Committee can be called upon to address cases such as
          a statement on behalf of the Indian Council of South  Alaska and Hawaii in accordance with Article 15 of IC-
          America (CISA) and the Indigenous Peoples and Nations  ERD and Article 1 of the ICCPR respectively and to send
          Coalition (IPNC) on what they consider an unresolved  recommendations to the General Assembly concerning
          and institutional racial discrimination that persists in na-  denial of the right to self-determination on grounds of
          tional legislation due to the reluctance to address obliga-  racial discrimination and apartheid to the Special Com-
          tions of Administering Powers and its shortcomings in  mittee on Decolonization and the General Assembly in
          abolishing racial discrimination in the implementation  New York.
          of Article 73 concerning Non-Self-Governing Territories
          in light of Article 15 of International Convention on the  The United Nations and the United States and Member
          Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). In this re-  States must support an immediate freeze and moratorium
          gard, CISA and IPNC suggested to the Ad Hoc Commit-  on further efforts to exploit the territory and resources
          tee that it request CERD to address the Petition of IPNC,  belonging to the Indigenous Peoples of Alaska and Ha-
          CISA and Koani Foundation: or that it requests CERD to  waii. They must the release of illicit funds held for the
          implement its own procedure by transmitting their case  exploitation of resources, including oil and gas and lands
          to the United Nations Decolonization Committee of 24  and for the restoration of territory and for just compensa-
          for review and instruction to CERD if necessary; or that  tion for the illegal use of territory and resources.
          it requests the General Assembly to adopt a resolution to  The IPNC and Koani are grateful to Independent Expert
          address shortcomings concerning the implementation of  Alfred Maurice de Zayas, Erica A. Irene Daes, Miguel Al-
          Article 15 of the Convention.                       fonso Martinez, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and to
                                                              the Human Rights Council's Special Procedures for their
          IPNC and Koani called upon CERD to implement para-  courage and recommendations to address a grave issue
          graph 5 of the 1970 procedure it adopted during its 2'   against a powerful state who hitherto has granted itself
          session (A/8027) to transmit the cases of Alaska and Ha-  impunity and does not comply with the pertinent recom-
          waii to the United Nations Decolonization Committee  mendations of the Human Rights Committee and other
          of 24 pursuant to Article 15 of ICERD. CERD procras-  UN bodies.

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