Page 35 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 35

        the opposite, being our country in  it's time to apply them. They blatantly  force, regardless of how much time
        a position that makes it diverse,  act against the law, for the very simple  is wasted before they are applied.
        multilingual, International and  reason that they have been completely  But the longer it takes, the more
        neutral. We have a genuine wish to  unchallenged, until very recently.  damage is done: the city of Trieste
        see this area of Europe evolve from  The main dilemma, for the Italian  has lost almost one third of its
        the cold-war era gridlock it still  government, is mostlikelythatthe Free  population, mainly due to the lack
        finds itself in. And we think it's time.  Port of Trieste and the Free Territory  of work. Keeping in mind that we
                                                                             are talking about what is supposed
                                             "It is worth mentioning
        Ifyou gain thestatus ofan independent                                 to be the most prosperous Free Port
        territory, how would you survive?    that our claims do not           in Europe, this is being perceived
        What do you have to offer?                                            more and more as outrageous.
        The status of independent territory is   come from a nationa-         Dozens of citizens of Trieste
        already recognised, on paper, by all   list perspective but           have been picked by the Italian
        the signatories of the treaties involved,   quite the opposite,       authorities, seemingly at random
        as well as by the United Nations.                                     among thousands at peaceful
                                              being our country in a          demonstrations, and have been
        Trieste is a port city, a condition   position that makes it          accused of the fascist crime of
        that virtually anywhere in the world                                  "seditious gathering' most likely to
        generates prosperity and wealth; If   diverse, multilingual,          make an example to scare the others.
        there is one issue we are very unlikely   International and           Hundreds have decided that they
        to face, in a future scenario where                                   will not pay any more taxes to the
        the International law is applied, is         neutral."                Italian government unless their full
        economic or financial sustainability.                                 legal status is applied. Their claims
        This is in large part thanks to the  can not be decoupled: they proceed on  have merit, but they will face severe
        current legislation on the Free Port  parallel lines, from a legal perspective.  charges, if no effort to apply the
        of Trieste, which is tightly connected  If we also consider that the legislation  current International law is made.
        to the Free Territory, and could  I have been mentioning throughout  Thousands and thousands of citizens
        be considered the most advanced  this interview is embedded even in  marched on the streets of Trieste
        Free Zone in the whole continent.  the very fabric of the current model of  demanding for their rights to be
        That is, on paper. Things are very  International trade, the GATT/WTO  respected, in a major event that
        different on the field: the Northern  agreements (Art. XXIV 3.2), we can  anywhere else in Europe would have
        Free Port, a very large (at over  see that, on paper, there is no doubt  been met with International media
        700.000 sqm) part of our Free  that the Free Territory of Trieste  coverage.
        Zone, right in the heart of the city  could thrive and stand on its feet.
        of Trieste, today looks worse than it                                 But this was not the case here, where
        did when World War 2 ended, as a  A Free Port - even a crippled  government-sponsored censorship
        direct result of these laws not being  one like today - is a clear vector  has unfortunately become the norm.
        applied! It is so uniquely awful it  for prosperity; yet, if the Italian  Anyway, one thing must be clear: the
        needs to be seen to be believed.  government confiscates hundreds  treaties inforce arenotgoinganywhere,
                                           of millions of revenue from it every  and neither are the citizens who are
        The Free Port of Trieste is formally  single year, as is being done right  now well-aware of this problem.
        recognised by the Italian government  now (which also happens to be
        and even by the European Union, yet  completely illegal), normal citizens  The 	community
        it is run in a completely illegal way, to  see no substantial benefit from it.  should understand this issue and
        the detriment of the local population.  According to UN expert professor  work towards a solution as soon
        To make a clear example of this, let's  de Zayas, in the case of Trieste the  as possible: they might very well
        consider Art. 18.3, stating that "The  reactivation of the Free Port would  find out they have as much to gain,
        Director [of the Free Port] shall not  be a win win proposition for all  from an effective solution to the
        be a citizen of [former]Yugoslavia  concerned and would energize trade  question of Trieste, as we citizens do.
        or Italy"; despite this, the Italian  in Europe and beyond.           My message to the readers would
        government has nominated only                                         then be: whoever finds this complex
        Italiancitizensforthis role, fordecades.  Finally Mr Stok, do you have  issue to be interesting and is in a
        They know these laws are in force, they  a message to our readers? If  position to give this cause further
        formally admit they are in force, but  yes, what would that be?       International exposure, should
        they simply do not seem to care when  These treaties will keep on being in  contactTriestNGO as soon aspossible.

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