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erendum. Indigenous Peoples were subject to fines and  the List of Non-Self-Governing Territories. The United
         imprisonment if they attempted to vote if they could not  States equivocated on its promise not to equivocate by
         read, write and speak English. The UN did not properly  the Head of the United States Delegation and refused
         scrutinize the referendum and adopted GA Resolution  Pakistan's recommendation.
         1469 without the safeguards foreseen in Chapter XI of
         the Charter.                                        In a recent letter dated 30 April 2018, the then Independent
                                                             Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable in-
         At the San Francisco Conference in 1945, the United  ternational order endorsed the premise that there is Apart-
         States delegate, under the leadership of Secretary of State  heid in Alaska: The United States Supreme Court instituted
         Edward Reilly Stettinius Jr., affirmed to the Netherlands  doctrines of superiority and racial discrimination in law
         delegate that "protection against abuses" in Article 73 of  and policy by the Tee-Hit- Ton v United States of America
         the UN Charter includes the obligation to protect against  (348 U.S. 272, 1955) making it clear in footnote 18 that
         racial superiority.                                 "This purpose in acquisition and its effect on land held by
                                                             the natives [of the Philippines] was distinguished from the
         What other Special Procedures and Mechanisms support  settlement of the white race in the United States where the
         your claim for re-enlistment?                       dominant purpose of the whites in America was to occupy
         UN Special Rapporteur Erica-Irene A. Daes denounced  the land" Further, the Tee-Hit-Ton judgment relies on the
         the racially motivated McIntosh and the Tee-Hit-Ton  precedent of the Johnson v McIntosh, (21 US. (8 Wheat.)
         cases that were used to confiscate land or property with-  543, 1823) case which held that the character and religion
         out due process of law and without just compensation.  of the native inhabitants of America justified "considering
         Without Tribal Government consent the US Congress  them as a people over whom the superior genius of Europe
         relied on these cases to extinguish title and to unilater-  might claim an ascendency" The denial of the right of self-
         ally adopt the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act  determination on grounds of racial discrimination and the
         (ANCSA).                                            application of doctrines of superiority constitutes a crime
                                                             against humanity tantamount to a form of Apartheid.
         The Human Rights Committee called on the United States
         of America in 2006 to address the permanent trusteeship  The 1970 General Assembly Declaration on Friendly Re-
         of Alaska. In 2015 at the Human Rights Council's debate  lations adopted by consensus states that the status of a
         on the US report under the Universal Periodic Review,  territory or colony remains separate and distinct until
         the Islamic State of Pakistan recommended the imple-  the people have exercised their right of self-determina-
         mentation of paragraph 69 (n) of report A1681284, to es-  tion in accordance with the purposes and principles of
         sentially re-enlist Alaska, Hawaii and put the Dakotas on
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