Page 30 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 30


                                 lej of Alas ahav'                 Lshed their absolute title rights and their
                   . .....
              4nati9                polihal status                              Barnes, representative of the
                enous P.          Alaska before the United itti.                 'flodged several diplomatic
                 t;                                                                                           41
                   agait            ted States of America and the             ations itself for the denial of the
                 f self-det        ion to the Alaska natives on g             racial discrimination.

          how did Alaska aeli i e e this historically recognized iliterHationa I status

          Alaska was placed on the list of Non-Self-Governing Ter-  Alaska, but only special trade rights with the natives. In
          ritories by virtue of General Assembly resolution 66 (I) in  any event, the Indigenous Peoples did not lose their right
          1946, in recognition of its unresolved international legal  to the land and must be seen as an independent and non-
          and political status. The United States of America, Great  consenting third party to the 1867 Treaty.
          Britain and others asserted the independence of Alaska
          from the Russian Monarchy in the    century and as-  The United Nations Special Rapporteur Professor Miguel
          serted their right to unregulated direct trade with Alaska's  Alfonso Martinez stated in his report to the Sub-Com-
          Indigenous Peoples.                                 mission on the Promotion and Protection of Human
                                                              Rights that the 1867 Treaty of Cession of Alaska between
          The historical reasons for Alaska being placed on an  the Monarchy of Russia and the United States of America
          equal plane with European Nations can be found in the  granted neither title nor jurisdiction to the United States
          documents published in 1903 concerning the Alaska  of America. In his final report Professor Martinez stated
          Boundary Tribunal between Great Britain and the United  that the burden of proof is on States to prove they have
          States of America and in the diplomatic communication  properly acquired the territory of Indigenous Peoples.
          entitled  Confidential Memorial. Secretary of State John
          Quincy Adams on behalf of President James Monroe as-  The United Nations did not monitor the 1958 referendum
          serted to the Monarchy of Russia using the treatise "Law  that led to removal of Alaska from the list of Non-Self-
          of Nations" by Emmerich de Vattel that, "she had no right  Governing Territories by General Assembly resolution
          to claim, either under the title of discovery or of posses-  1469 of 12 December 1959, violating United Nations
          sion"  the Northwest Coast of North America (Alaska).  procedures, principles and international law. The United
          The United States indicated that it "does not appear to  States denied the right of self-determination to the In-
          establish that the territory in question has been legiti-  digenous Peoples of Alaska by instituting doctrines of
          mately incorporated within the Russian empire": Further,  superiority and racial discrimination in Alaska in the
          the United States acted on the position that "the natives  US Supreme Court judgments Johnson v. McIntosh and
          ought to be regarded as independent tribes" by continu-  the Tee-Hit-Ton v. United States of America despite its
          ing to trade directly without the regulation or prohibition  obligation to remove racial discrimination in law and
          of the Monarch of Russia. The maxim "Nemo dat quod  policy after it asserted absolute title and denied Russia
          non habet" or "no man can give another any better title  could claim discovery title or possession. The United States
          than he himself has" applies to the 1867 Treaty of Cession  misled the General Assembly in the report, among other
          between the Monarchy of Russia and the United States of  violations, by not stating that it had allowed its military
          America since Russia had not acquired sovereignty over  and American citizens and immigrants to vote in the ref-

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