Page 16 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 16

Despite his long and impressive career, Mr Ambassador  upon this, I came to the conclusion that I needed to
          is a modest man. When he talks about his country; his  do something for my country other than just giving
          eyes shine. This year, Azerbaijan celebrates an important  my lectures and seminars. So, driven by this political
          historic event, the 100th anniversary of the creation of  euphoria which was in the air at that time, and being
          the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic. The country has  more ambitious than now, I thought perhaps the time
          indeed a fascinating history, and, thanks to the United  had come to do something different.
          Nations historical archives, more than 36,000 pages of
          the documents, from the days when Azerbaijan was an  That was the mindset of my generation, and that was the
          independent state, in1918- 1920, and a member of the  reason why the period 1990-1991 changed the status quo
          League of Nations, have been scanned and sent off to the  and the daily life of many of my generation. This is how
          Azerbaijani National Library. In 1920, the country was  I found myself in the diplomatic service of Azerbaijan at
          absorbed by the Soviet Union and was part of it for more  the beginning of 1992. Since then, I have tried to serve my
          than 70 years before the country regained its independence  country and my people in the same way that I tried earlier
          in 1991. It is a subject close to His Excellency's heart,  to teach young people.
          and he has spent hours in the archives looking for rare
          documents. Last year, in October, an important delegation  Q: Before coming to Geneva, you were based in Italy
          consisting of the Deputy Prime-Minister and the Minister  working closely with the Rome-based United Nations
          of Culture came to Geneva to receive these documents and  agencies. Was that your only experience at the multi-
          to participate in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of  lateral level of diplomacy before Geneva?
          Azerbaij an's membership in the United Nations. We will  Since my very first days in the diplomatic service of
          leave the floor to his Excellency, who kindly accepted to  Azerbaijan, I have been dealing with the international
          tell us more about all these subjects and, not least, answer  organisations. I started my professional work in the
          all our questions.                                  diplomatic service dealing with the political-military
                                                              institutions at that time, in particular our emerging
          Q:  Mr Ambassador, you have a long and impressive  relationship with NATO.
          career, could you tell us a little about yourself?
          My career is long, but it's not extraordinary, given  At that time, I was travelling a lot to Brussels. In 1994,
          the history of the country in which I was born, the  Azerbaijan became part of the Partnership for Peace
          Soviet Union. I got my education in Azerbaijan when  Programme initiated by NATO, and there were a lot
          it was part of the Soviet Union. Before the sudden  of events in the field of arms control, in particular
          collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, I was  conventional arms control. The situation of the former
          a lecturer in the University. I was not even thinking  Soviet Union's territories was changing quite rapidly, and
          about a diplomatic career. I was focused on my career  all the arms control agreements that had been in place
          in academia and got my PhD at that time. Then all of  under the Soviet Union needed to be adapted to the new
          a sudden everything changed. We in the newly reborn  configuration. The former USSR republics emerged then
          Azerbaijan, which was like many others "elements"  as new political entities, and so the obligations and the
          in the Soviet Union, found ourselves in the mix of a  commitments that had previously rested with the Soviet
          difficult and challenging period - both politically,  Union needed to be distributed among the new elements,
          economically as well as foreign and domestic. Based  the newly born countries.

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