Page 13 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 13


         instrument of trade facilitation: the information is pro-
         vided only once to a single agency. Even though it may
         sound simple, it's a very a complicated instrument, for
         it is very difficult to coordinate the work of all agencies
         regulating foreign trade. Thus, the idea underpinning the
         facilitated movement of goods is the facilitated move-
         ment of the information about goods, since goods can-
         not move faster than the information about them, such
         as customs documents or those going to other inspection
         agencies. In other words, trade facilitation is about mak-
         ing information about the goods -- documents, certifi-
         cates, licenses, customs declarations -- move faster so that
         the goods move faster. And the benefit is saving time and
         reducing the cost of bureaucratic procedures.             "This is the idea of the   Single

         Q:  You also work on the United Nations Special Pro-  Window,   which is the most developed
         gramme  for  the Economies  of Central Asia (SPECA).
                                                                 instrument of trade facilitation: the
         What is the purpose of this program?
         This program supports the Central Asian economies    information is provided  only once   to a
         in developing "sub-regional" cooperation, as we call it.
         The SPECA participating countries are Afghanistan, Az-              single agency."
         erbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmeni-
         stan and Uzbekistan. It is the only Central Asian coopera-  of how the SPECA program works, in order to make it
         tion program involving only the land-locked economies  more country driven.
         of the Central Asia, allowing them to cooperate among
         themselves, with the UN providing the platform. The  Q: I understand that you have compiled a glossary of
         program consists of six different areas covered by six  trade facilitation terms, is that right?
         working groups. It is a difficult program because some-  Yes, we have developed an English-Russian trade facilita-
         times we have to deal with prejudices against regional  tion glossary, which is kind of a bilingual dictionary of
         cooperation in the countries, and there are those who be-  trade facilitation terms. The impetus for starting work on
         lieve that there is no political will nor sufficient resources  it came during a seminar in Chisinau on trade facilita-
         to support this program. This does not diminish the im-  tion for those former Soviet republics that were the first
         portance of such a program for the economies of Central  to join the WTO. There, experts from Moldova pointed
         Asia. They need it. And this is the challenge of the United  out that there were four different ways of translating
         Nations: to work exactly where something is not easy to  "trade facilitation" into Russian and that could be very
         do and is not done by others.                       confusing. So, they asked us to prepare an authoritative
         Last year the host of the program's key events was  tool on the translation of trade facilitation terms that
         Tajikistan, and Tajikistan selected as the theme of the  could help them. After that, we decided to prepare an
         annual economic forum "Innovation for Achieving the  English-Russian glossary covering a wide range of trade
         SDGs in the SPECA Region' It was an interesting forum,  facilitation terms.
         and one of the outcomes was the idea of developing a re-  We are now pursuing the idea of producing a multilingual
         gional strategy for innovation to help achieve sustainable  dictionary, for it has been a long-term objective to have
         development, which would be based on the documents  such a tool in the six official United Nations languages.
         that were produced for this forum.
                                                             I would like to mention certain benefits of trade facili-
         Q: Who is chairing the program this year?           tation. The cost of paperwork in international trade is
         This year Kazakhstan is chairing the program, and they  estimated to range from 3.5% to 7% of the value of the
         will organize the annual meeting of the governing coun-  goods traded (even 10% to 15% if there are typing errors).
         cil and the economic forum on 20-21 September 2018,  Introducing trade facilitation measures can reduce this
         in Almaty. Twenty years ago the Central Asian coun-  considerably. In the global economy, each 1% reduction
         tries gathered in Tashkent to establish the program and  of such costs would be equal to US$ 43 billion.
         issued its founding document, the so called Tashkent
         Declaration. Kazakhstan is working of the definition of  Taking leave of Mr Mario Apostolov, we wish him suc-
         the topic and an agenda now. This year, it was decided  cess in his endavours.
         that for the twentieth anniversary there will be a review                     EKATERINA PINCHEVSKAYA

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