Page 8 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 8


          renewable energy, use of technology  where we are actively engaged. So,  Q:  When do you think the recon-
          and innovation tied up to youth, de-  there are many issues that we are pur-  struction of Syria will start?
          velopment - are all transboundary,  suing while cooperating with agen-  My thinking is that this is tied up to
          and they are important to all coun-  cies in New York and Geneva as well  the political situation. There are safe
          tries. Water and water management  as with donors.                    areas now, some villages, but they
          are definitely big issues for us too.                                 want to tie it to the political situa-
                                             Q:  You just mentioned three of the  tion.
          Q:  We have not heard a lot about  worst humanitarian disasters - Ye-
          EWCWA, and you have kept a very  men, Syria and Libya. How do you  Q: What is happening in Libya?
          low profile. Is this going to change?   cope with all these?          Libya is a complicated situation.
          Well I am newcomer. I took up this  It is extremely difficult, and it con-  Libya has two governments, and it
          position in May 2017 and I am try-  tinues to be extremely difficult, es-  is split in two parts - East and West,
          ing to make known the organization  pecially for countries where a huge  with two parliaments, two heads of
          and the work we do in the various re-  number of people have fled the war  government. To bring them together
          gions. Hopefully, in a year you will be  zones, settling for example in Leba-  is very difficult. The Gadhafi regime
          hearing more about ESCWA.          non and Jordan. Both countries have  built weak institutions so there is
                                             weak economies, and millions of ref-  need to build on. The situation in
          Q: Why only in a year?             ugees residing there which put strain  Yemen is far better for they do have
          I think I need a year or a year and a  on life.                       institutions, social and economic in-
          half to work through all the different                                stitutions - for education, for water,
          issues. I just had a meeting with Fran-  Q: You are living in Lebanon, which  for oil and others. In Libya, you need
          cis Gurry of WIPO. He was saying  is one of the biggest recipients of Syr-  to start building these in addition to
          that we do have cooperation between  ian refugees. Do you really feel their  everything else.
          our organizations but that there has  presence there?                 We have a project in Libya. We work
          not been any communication be-     Without any doubt. There are many  with the Libyans to find out what the
          tween us since 2012. So, I said, let us  Syrians in Lebanon. Some of the Syr-  priorities are, once the war is done,
          start now. In this context, I think it  ians are very entrepreneurial, and  what the next steps are, what the costs
          will take me a year or perhaps a little  they have opened up bakeries, res-  associated with building these institu-
          longer to put ESCWA on the map.    taurants and other small businesses.  tions will be. How do we do capacity
          We have a very attractive website;  This is not the case for the poor Syri-  building and train the Libyans? They
          you could look at  ans who have very large families, and  are smart and well educated, but we
          We are also very active on the social  some live in camps where it is very  need to put the institutions in place.
          media - Twitter and Facebook. We  crowded —you know, a small space  That requires a lot of work, so, I am
          publish everything we do, so there is  and huge families. That put a tremen-  not surprised that you have not heard
          a lot of information on all the differ-  dous stress on Lebanon's Budget and  about that yet.
          ent activities we carry on. I therefore  is really causing the Lebanese a lot of
          encourage you to take look, and I am  tension, as well as demand for edu-  Q: What are your ambitions for the
          sure that you will find that many of  cation, demands on health services,  organization?
          the things we do are very attractive  water, and sanitation - all this puts  That ESCWA is serving on the eco-
          and useful as well.                tremendous stress on the Lebanese  nomic and social side for 18 coun-
                                             infrastructure.                    tries is a major plus. Our ambition is
          Q:  We live in Europe where many                                      really to look at the real issues facing
          do have a biased image of the Arab  Q: It is sad to say so, but many people  the societies of these countries and
          world. Do you perceive this point of  do not really want to know, nor care  proceed from there.
          view?                              any longer, about what is happening  Today poverty is very high, and it is
          Yes, and that is also one of the chal-  in Syria and least of all the refugee  multi-dimensional poverty, not clear-
          lenges we face. We have to see how  problem.                          ly delineated poverty. We are collect-
          the information flows and push it  Well, it is a challenged area. At the end  ing data: how is housing affecting
          up. We work a lot with donors from  of the day, we are talking about human  people, how is education affecting
          the Nordic countries, Germany and  beings. They need to get home, get  people, how are living conditions?
          other countries to support some of  their schools back, their hospitals, get  When you put them together they
          our activities. We also have a proj-  their lives back. People are only happy  become multi-dimensional, and then
          ect on Syria, which is post-conflict  when they are back home. Lebanon  we see that the poverty of children is
          and, hopefully, reconstruction; we  and Jordan are providing temporary  acute, about 40 per cent. This is from
          have one on Yemen and one on Libya  hospitality, but it is not enough.   UNICEF data. We did the survey for

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