Page 7 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 7

                                           Interview with

                                           Mr. Mohamed

                                          All Alhakim

                                           Under-Secretary- General and Executive Secretary of the
                                           Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)


         It is not often you hear about ES-  Q: What is the reason that you are  has going for itself is the growing
         CWA, and this is something the  here in Geneva today?                number of young people, in addition
         newly appointed Executive Direc-   First, I am the Executive Secretary of  to attention to women and gender is-
         tor and Under-Secretary-General,  the ESCWA, and ESCWA has 18 Arab  sues. Therefore, we are working on
         Mr Mohamed Ali Alhakim, is about  countries as member states, so there  these issues. We are also working on
         to change.                         are always issues and meetings here  the productivity of social and eco-
                                            in Geneva. The purpose of my coming  nomic development. It is also impor-
         Mr Under-Secretary-General is a  to Geneva is to attend the high-level  tant for us. Prevention is a priority
         highly articulate person, friendly  segment of the International Telecom-  for the Secretary-General, so, this is
         and very dedicated to bringing  munication Union, and to present the  another issue we are working too.
         about change in his new post. We  view of ESCWA and the Arab region
         had a chance to meet with him in  to this audience. In addition, I also  Q: What exactly are you doing for
         Geneva, when, despite his busy  meet with other heads of agencies.   prevention?
         schedule, he kindly accepted to                                      We are doing a lot of capacity building
         receive us and to satisfy our curi-  Q: How is the link between ESCWA  - there are many post-conflict issues
         osity. Before we leave the floor to  and the other UN agencies?      that we are trying to resolve. We are
         Mr Alhakim, let us briefly mention  Actually, so far, so good. With some  trying to figure out how the socio-eco-
         that he was previously the Perma-  of them, we have direct cooperation  nomic issues affect the development
         nent Representative and Ambassa-   such as with TOM, UNCTAD, WIPO  of countries and to make sure we have
         dor of Iraq to the United Nations,  and ITU, where we have a very close  a plan for the next 10 to 15 years for
         both in New York and in Geneva;  partnership. In addition, these have  the young men and women coming
         Ambassador and Director of Arab,  regional offices in our areas, which is  out of school. There are generations
         European, International Organi-    an advantage for our collaboration.  of young people who have graduated
         sations and Policy Planning at the  We collaborated with UNDP and  from colleges with good degrees, but
         Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  other resident country coordinators  they do not have jobs, so, unemploy-
         Baghdad; Iraq Minister of Commu-   to deliver the 2030 agenda.       ment is a big issue.
         nications; Member of Iraq National
         Assembly and Foreign Relations  Q: You are based in a troubled region.   Q: You also have other issues I pre-
         Sub-Committee; and Senior Social  How does this affect your work?     sume. What about the water and the
         and Economic Adviser to the Vice  It is, actually, quite troubled, a region  water management issues?
         President of Iraq. So now, we leave  full of conflict, and that is where the  There are national and transnational
         the floor to Mr Alhakim.           challenge is. What the region really  issues. Water, climate change, energy,

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