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                                            particles   we   read   about   in   the   press.  Sometimes    the   human   being   is  his
                                            Our   food   is  also   full   of  chemicals.  own   worst   enemy,   and   this   is  per-
                                            We  can   try   to  eat  100%   organically,  haps   the   result   of  our   selfishness   and
                                            but   even   here,   do  we  really  know   if  extreme   consumerism.    It's  cheaper
                                            what   we  are  eating   is  good   for   our  to  buy   new   than   to  get  things   re-
                                            health?   Acid   rain   and   air   ponution  paired.
                                            also   have   implications.    The   soil   has
                                            been   contaminated    and   polluted    for  However,    in   all   this   gloomy    news,
                                            decades.   There   is  a  serious   problem  what   do  we  see?  More   and   more
         Better   late   than   never...    in   Europe,   we  are  being   told,   but  people   turning    into  "citizens"    and
                                            apparently    no   politician    is  willing    to  starting    to  do  something    about   the
         For   years   and   years,   ecologists   have  talk   about   it.   pollution    and   environmental    degra-
         been   warning    us  against   the   dangers  As  if  this   sad  news   were   not   enough,  dation.   They   start   by   changing    their
         of  our   modern    way   of  life.   The   global  we  also   hear   that   the   human   body  habits,   by   consuming    differently   but
         temperature    is  on   the   rise;   the   ice  in  will   soon   be  full   of  plastic,   simply  also   by  walking,    cyding    etc.  In   Nor-
         the   Arctic   and   Antarctic    is  melting;  because   these   plastics   are  also   to  be  way   there   is  even   a  new   concept   for
         the   level   of  the   oceans   is  rising.   The  found   in   our   drinking    water.  business   people   emerging,    for   those
         climatologists    warn   us  that   there   will  With   the   Internet,    cellphones    and  who   want   to  have   the   flavor   of  good
         be  more   floods   and   extreme   weather.  other   modern    technologies,    our  old   days,   where   there   is  no   internet,
         Up   to  recently    people   did   not   give   it  bodies   are  also   faced   constantly   with  no   power   point   presentations    but
         much   of  a  thought,    but   today,   most  radiation.    We   are  talking    on   the  simply   offices,   meeting   rooms   where
         people   definitely    do.         phone,   and   the   cell-phones'    electro-  people   can  sit  and   talk  business   and
                                            magnetic    radiation    is  so  great   that  where   one   hears   the   click   click   of  old
         The   oceans   are  filled   up   with   gar-  we  can   develop   brain   cancer.  type   writers.   It's  called   Digital   Detox,
         bage.   From   time   to  time   we  see  short  Recently   the   Norwegian    National  and   apparently    it's  a  new   concept
         video   films   on   Facebook    filmed   by  Health   Authorities    came   out  with  that's   working    very  well.   People   are
         amateur   divers   who   show  the   plastic  their   annual   report.   For   the   first   time  looking    for   more   social   interaction,
         bottles,   bags.   A   sad  sight.  since   its  creation,   the   report   wrote  an  easier   and   less  complicated    life,
         Our   food   is  also   full   of  plastic  that   cancer  was   the   number   one   kill-  so  perhaps   we  do  have   reason   to  be
         micro   entities,   and   even   in   freshly  ing   disease   in   Norway,   wen   ahead   of  optimistic    after   all...
         caught   fish   one   can   find   these   micro  heart   and   cardiovascular    illnesses.    MARIT
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