Page 9 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 9


         the adults, and UNICEF did the one                                      spending a lot on their people,
         for the children. This is scary.                                        building infrastructure and tech-
         The second scary part is that the                                       nology, developing technology,
         middle class Arab countries are                                         and they send many young people
         trending down, not up. This is a                                        to study abroad, so they are invest-
         dangerous trend. When the World                                         ing. This is an investment for the
         Bank and IMF characterize a coun-                                       future.
         try as a middle class country, with
         the future trend not going up but                                       Q:  Listening to you, one gets the
         down, it means that the spending                                        impression that the region has
         on education and on health is not                                       great potential.
         getting its effective dollar value. For                                 I think so. The worst part of it is
         each United States dollar spent, 65                                     really the conflicts. If you get the
         cents goes to administration and                                        conflicts resolved, I think coun-
         not to real education, not to real                                      tries will progress. Let us take Iraq
         health care. There is still a lot of                                    as an example. Iraq went through
         bureaucracy built in, and our job                                       conflict for years - Iran, Kuwait,
         at ESCWA is really to streamline all                                    the embargo, the change in 2003
         this, and provide the Arabs with the                                    and the war against terrorism
         capacity to they need to realize that                                   Once you give the Iraqis a cer-
         education is a must. Children's edu-  "There is still a lot of          tain amount of stability, I think
         cation is especially important, and                                     the Iraqis have the ability to move
         it must be modernized - not an old  bureaucracy built in, and           very quickly, and they have tre-
         curriculum but, new technology,                                         mendous resources.
         how kids will utilize the new tools  ourjob at ESCWA is really
         and technologies for education. It is                                   Q: In Iraq, you used to be the best-
         a lot of work.                      to streamline all this..."          educated people, and you have
                                                                                 everything - water, farm land, oil
         Q: Obviously the various Arab countries are also quite  and human resources.
         diverse, some extremely rich, whereas others are poor.
         Well, having a high GDP does not mean that you have a  Education is the part we are worrying about because it is
         sophisticated society underneath. I think of the middle of  still very traditional and has not been modernized. This
         the road, where Iraq, Egypt and Morocco could trend up  is why I discussed with Mr Gurry of WIPO how to get
         with their background of human resources. The countries  research and development where we hook up the private
         that are weak - Sudan, Mauritania, and Yemen - they are  sector and the universities. That is what we are trying to
         all struggling through these next years.             do with WIPO: link the private sector and the universi-
                                                              ties, so that intellectual property moves into the universi-
         Q: I  just heard that now one can find young Saudis  ties from the private sector and vice versa. That is how
         working in areas where one never thought they would  Japan did it, it is how South Korea did it too. Lebanon
         be working.                                         and Egypt are actually doing well in this area as there are
         It is true that Saudi society is actually going through huge  some entrepreneurs who came directly out of college.
         transformations. I think the young leadership is impor-
         tant, and they are opening up the road for women and  Q; I have the impression that most businesses in the Arab
         children as well for young educated countries.       World are small and medium enterprises, mainly family
                                                              owned ones. Is this correct?
         Q: Do you think this will be the same in the Gulf coun-  Yes, I am meeting many entrepreneurs with small shops
         tries?                                               - 10 to 15 employees. Now they are starting on services
         The Gulf countries are much smaller. The Saudis have a  -software development, 3D printing - things where they
         population of 30 million, whereas the Gulf countries have  can provide services to hospitals, to financial institutions,
         much smaller populations. Kuwait is doing extremely  you will see a lot of young people coming up.
         well. They are creating tremendous infrastructure to take
         care women and children and young graduates. In addi-  On these optimistic words, Mr Under-Secretary-General
         tion, a lot of money is going into institutions.     had to rush off to his next meeting, and we are confident
         The Gulf area countries are spending lots of money on  that Mr Aihakim will be able to put ESCWA back on the
         their human resources. The United Arab Emirates are  map.

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