Page 12 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 12

Interview with

                                                              Mr Mario


                                                              Regional Advisor in

                                                              Economic Commission
                                                              of Europe

                                                              Mario Apostolov is a busy man, being the Eco-
                                                              nomic Commission for Europe's regional advisor on
                                                              Trade Facilitation. Also known as an expert from

                                                              the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable
                                                              Development, he has written many articles, reports
                                                              and books, most recently Modernization of the

                                                              Central Asian Countries: the Role of Regional Trade
                                                              Integration and Trade Facilitation.  For the last two
                                                              years he has also worked on the coordination of the
                                                              United Nations' Special Programme for the Econo-
                                                              mies of Central Asia. Being of the curious sort, we

                                                              made a point of meeting up with him in the United
                                                              Nations before he set out to travel yet again.

          Q: Could you tell us about your work?               for trade facilitation. And we have experience in providing
          I'm the Regional Advisor on trade facilitation in the  capacity-building, which is my area of responsibility as the
          United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and I  Regional Advisor. This includes framework capacity-build-
          work on assistance to the transition economies in Eastern  ing in support of the implementation of these instruments
          Europe, East Central Asia, Central Asia and the Cauca-  and standards, such as the very first UNECE trade facilita-
          sus, helping them implement trade facilitation measures.  tion standard - the UN Layout Key for trade and transport
          This is done primarily through instruments developed  documents. This is our recommendation number one, and
          by the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and  a widely accepted international voluntary standard.
          Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), a subsidiary body of
          the UNECE. Trade facilitation is one of the key topics in  Several of the most recent recommendations that UN!
          international trade diplomacy these days.           CEFACT developed and adopted involved the concept
          A year ago, on 22 February 2017, the WTO's Trade Fa-  called Single Window for import, export and transit
          cilitation Agreement entered into force, containing both  clearance. Trade facilitation is about reducing bureauc-
          binding measures and a series of optional measures.  racy in international trade. Historically, traders have had
          This Agreement forms a framework in which the countries  to provide as many as forty different documents to some
          can work on facilitating trade. The UNECE has more than  forty different agencies, but with trade facilitation this
          60 years of experience in developing such instruments,  information needs to be provided only once. This is the
          meaning standards and best practice recommendations  idea of the Single Window, which is the most developed

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