Page 25 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 25

security issue, is part of a squab-  happening. I know that already    If you have a message for
          ble between local politicians and   two to three years ago pressure   them, what would it be?
          elements that disserve Geneva.     had been put on the authorities.
          What we can say is that, despite   Right now there are other pro-      As an elected official in Geneva
          everything, Geneva is a much       tests.                              and in the Swiss Parliament,
          less violent city than many of                                         and being very interested and
          the larger cities, such as Rome,   I think the mayor and the city      involved in international diplo-
          Paris, New York, etc.              councillors must now demon-         macy and International Geneva,
                                             strate courage and firmness, and    my concern is contact between
          I think we should look at things   to stand by their convictions. I    the international and the local
          the way they are and compare       heard that there are problems       community. My message is
          them to the rest of the world.     because it would be too close to    addressed to officials of inter-
          There are still challenges fa-     the United Nations! I am sur-       national organizations, diplo-
          cing Geneva, including the high     prised that anyone would think     matic missions, NGOs and
          cost of living. It is true that it is   that a memorial about the Arme-  others: Make the effort to meet
          expensive, but not necessarily      nian Genocide -- comparable to     the people of Geneva, because
          more expensive than elsewhere.      a Holocaust Memorial or one to     I am always asking the people
          This is one aspect. Now there is    the victims of the Khmer Rouge     of Geneva to discover the inter-
          also a concern about housing,       -- does not belong there. I think   national community. I appre-
          but I think that the authorities    this is precisely the first role of   ciate the efforts that have been
          have undertaken co-ordina-          the United Nations -- to remind    made by some organizations,
          ted efforts with neighbouring
          France so that people would be
          able to find homes to buy and
          let allowing them to find accom-
          modation in good condition.

          Q: There is a controversy
          at the moment over the
          Les Réverbères Project.
          The Armenian community
          wants to commemorate the
          shared memory of Geneva
          and the Armenians. What
          is your opinion?

          I am a member of the Parliamen-
          tary Group Switzerland Armenia      us about fundamental values        especially the WTO, to open its
          and I think it is an excellent pro-  such as peace, respect for other   doors regularly to local people
          ject. The Armenian community        people, and the struggle against   so that they can discover what
          will finance the work. Initially,   racism and discrimination. Seen    is happening behind its walls.
          it was intended to locate a work    from a purely practical point of   If embassies or missions orga-
          of art in the old town of Gene-     view, I cannot understand an       nized similar events open to
          va. As it happened, there would     argument saying that it must       the local population, it would
          have been problems if we had        not be too close to the United     be easier to get to know more
          placed it in its original location.   Nations. I hope this work of art   about different countries. And
          Today they are carrying out an      will attract many people. If the   this would also make people feel
          archaeological dig on this very     UN already hosts the internatio-   good about the city.
          spot. Given these difficulties, it   nal tennis club on its premises,
          was decided to move the project     why should anyone object to a      I would like us to live in an
          to a piece of land in the Ariana    work of art on the fringes of UN   integrated world, rather than a
          Park owned by the city of Gene-     on a piece of land that is the pro-  segregated world. Today, there
          va. We must bring this project to   perty of the city of Geneva? This   is some interaction, but never-
          completion as soon as possible.     should not be a major problem      theless we live in two segre-
          My only regret is that parts of     -- a memorial has a symbolic       gated worlds. I would like them
          the Turkish community, even         value.                             to become more integrated. •
          the Swiss-Turkish, those pure
          and hard karmalistes, are mobi-     Q: Our readers are primarily
          lizing themselves to prevent this   diplomats and "internationals".

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