Page 24 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 24
The Armenian
Memorial Project
Interview with Carlo Sommaruga
excellence with the all the major multi-polar world, and there
Carlo Sommaruga is a Swiss international organizations: ILO, are plenty of countries wishing
politician, representing the WHO, UNHCR, etc. In addition to become involved in global
Socialist Party, member of to those operating under the UN governance by providing infra-
the National Council, and umbrella, we also have a huge structures and incentives for
number of diplomatic missions. international organizations to
a Member of Parliament
If we talk about civil society, we settle there. This is something
since 2003. Needless to say,
have a multitude of NGOs and that I find quite legitimate.
he is a very busy man with
associations representing all Nevertheless, Geneva has some-
numerous interests and
kinds of interests -- trade, health, thing unique that you do not
calls upon his time. As part
humanitarian issues, intellectual find anywhere else -- not even
of his charitable commit-
property, etc. in New York. As I said before,
ments, he chaired the NGO
we have the United Nations,
Geneva Third World from
On top of that, Geneva is also international organizations and
2001 to 2006. He is a com-
a place where you find a high NGOs representing humanita-
mittee member of the Swis-
concentration of multinational rian issues, trade, health, intel-
said Foundation, an orga-
companies, whether in the com- lectual property, etc. We also
nization for development
mercial field, the food business or have a university that is asso-
co-operation. He is also a
banking. Geneva is also an inter- ciated with an institute of inter-
member of the Council of nationally recognized centre for national relations. I would say
the Swiss Abroad and the arbitration -- we do have unique that Geneva is now facing more
Board of Trustees of the expertise in this field. competition, but it has advan-
Swiss Institute of Rome. We tages that no other site can offer,
met him in Geneva, where I do my best in Bern to advo- and it is necessary to highlight
he is one of the strong sup- cate International Geneva, so them so that different stake-
porters of the Les Réver- that my colleagues there are also holders appreciate them. For a
bères Project. concerned about this issue. In start, you have to convince the
December 2012, I submitted a majority of politicians in Switzer-
motion to the Federal Council land; it's pretty easy to do but they
Q: Could you tell us requesting that they should sup- must be constantly reminded. We
something about yourself? port a strategy for International need to mobilize local authorities,
Geneva, and place financial assis- and that's also what I try to do.
I am a father, a family man, a tance on the table. In other
lawyer and a Swiss politician, words, Switzerland is ready to Geneva remains a focal point for
member of the Swiss Committee maintain a quality infrastructure global governance, but it is true
on Foreign Policy, presently vice- for International Geneva. This that we must mobilize energy
president, but scheduled to be- proposal was supported by my and money. The Confederation
come chairman of the committee colleagues -- 120 out of 200. This is now ready to commit itself and
in September 2013. My concerns motion was recently accepted is coming up with several hun-
consist of maintaining the social by the Federal Council and it is dred million Swiss francs to par-
order, namely the need to retain clear that it would also be accep- ticipate in the renovation of the
a strong social fabric in Geneva, table to the second chamber. buildings of the UN, ILO, WHO
to show solidarity for the needy and others.
and the poor, and keep cohesion Q: Do you think that Geneva
between local and International is unable to stand up for Q: Do you think Inter-
Geneva. itself? national Geneva is not able
to sell itself?
My other interests concern I think that during the Cold
particularly what we call Inter- War Geneva was an ideal mee- I think sometimes that local
national Geneva -- a place of ting place. Today, we are in a controversy, such as the present
22 Armenia