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UN Peacekeepers' Day

         Commemorations in Ireland

         The United Nations General As-     For example, by holding sporting   who made the ultimate sacrifice
        sembly resolution 57/129 of ii     events, school and orphanage vi-   while serving with UN peace-
         December 2002 designated 29  sits, art and essay competitions,       keeping forces in the Congo during
         May as the International Day of   photo exhibitions, neighbourhood   1963. It honoured the ninety-two
         UN Peacekeepers paying tribute    clean-ups, tree plantings, concerts   personnel of the Defence Forces,
         to all the men and women who       and conferences on peace issues.   An Garda Siochana and Civilian
         have served and continue to serve                                     Personnel who died while serving
         in UN peacekeeping operations,    Commemorations in Ireland           on UN peacekeeping missions
         acknowledging their high level of                                    throughout the world from 1960 to
         professionalism, dedication and   With a long-serving history, Irish   2013 in Congo, Cyprus, Lebanon,
         courage, and honouring the me-     troops continue to be deployed    the Mid-East, Somalia, Sarajevo,
         mory of those who have lost their   by the Defence Forces as part of   East Timor, Liberia, Haiti and
         lives in the cause of peace.       United Nations' missions. In 2012   Sweden (Nordic Battle Group).
                                           six unarmed military observers
         On 29 May 2013, on the theme      joined the United Nations mission   As soldiers for peace (UN: We
         'UN Peacekeeping: Adapting to      in strife-torn Syria and a batta-  believe), the Roll Call is long and
         new challenges', at the United Na-  lion of Irish troops joined Finnish   their names are inscribed on the
         tions' headquarters in New York,   soldiers in a joint deployment in   Memorial Stone in The Irish UN
         the Secretary-General led official   south Lebanon adjacent to Israel   Memorial Garden -- not to be
         ceremonies, including the laying of   for six months. The soldiers from   forgotten.
         a wreath to honour all the peace-  the io6th Battalion, many of them
         keepers who had given their lives   on a first tour of duty overseas,                ITA MARGUET
         while serving under the UN flag. In   were drawn from twenty-four Irish
         addition, the Dag Hammarskjold     counties.
         Medal was awarded posthumously                                        Note: Acknowledgement is given to
         to the peacekeepers who have fal-  Organized by the Irish United  sources used in preparation of this
         len while serving the cause of the   Nations Veterans Association, on   text. It follows articles on  United
         United Nations during the prece-  19 May 2013 the Annual Wreath-      Nations and Ireland (2004), Ire-
         ding year in the service of peace   laying Ceremony was held at       land and United Nations (2005),
         as a result of violence, accidents or   the Irish UN Memorial Garden,   National Day of Commemoration
         disease.                          Arbour House, Dublin. The cere-     (2010), Irish U.N. Veterans Asso-
                                            mony was attended by many civic,   ciation  (2010),  Ireland: United
         In addition to solemn events at    military and other representatives,   Nations Peacekeeping   (2011),
         United Nations' offices, alongside   including families, friends and   United Nations Peacekeeping:
         Member States and non-govern-      members of the public.             Soldiers  of  Peace  (2011) by Ita
         mental organizations around the                                       Marguet.
         world, this day is used to streng-  The year 2013 also commemora-
         then bonds with local popula-      ted the fiftieth anniversary of two
         tions by those deployed to serve.   members of the Defence Forces

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