Page 17 - DIVA_2_2013
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eminent poet and thinker Mag- peace-loving foreign policy, and progress, marks an era of
tymguly Fragi and other clas- based on the principles of posi- unprecedented changes in all
sical authors of national lite- tive neutrality -- is the correct spheres of the State and public
rature created their beautiful one. The fact that the territory life, carried out in the country
works in this land. of Turkmenistan has turned on the initiative of the Turk-
into a giant construction site is men leader Gurbanguly Berdi-
The Turkmen land is also rich clear evidence for this. muhamedov.
in unique natural monuments
and scenic spots, among them It is impossible to list all the
is one of the largest deserts accomplishments achieved in
in the world: the Karakum such a short period of history.
desert. Turkmenistan, which The reforms have been carried
is the successor to ancient out equally in the capital and
advanced civilizations, widely also in other cities in the most
promotes its priceless spiritual remote regions of the country.
heritage through cultural co- Thanks to these changes the
operation with the competent meaning of a "remote region"
international has disappeared.
and, above all, with the United
Nations Educational, Scienti- Turkmenistan today is an eco-
fic and Cultural Organization nomically developed country
(UNESCO), and has accumu- with scientific and technolo-
lated considerable experience gical capabilities, allowing the
in this domain. Already in wealth of the generous Turk-
1999, the national pride of the men land to be directed for the
Turkmen people -- the Ancient benefit not only of its people,
Mery with all its monuments -- but for all mankind.
was listed as a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. The Kunyaur- In general, describing the histo-
gench and Nisa monuments rical path traversed by Turkme-
have also received the status of nistan in the twenty-two years
monuments of universal signi- since independence, it should
ficance. be noted that the concept of
"the modern stage in the recent
These twenty-two years of in- history of Turkmenistan" has
dependence have clearly shown received great attention among
that the path of development both Turkmen society and the
chosen by Turkmenistan -- the international community. This
modernization of all spheres of stage in the life of Turkmenis-
public life on the basis of natio- tan, corresponding to the path
nal identity, combined with the of radical renewal, prosperity
International 1 5