Page 15 - DIVA_2_2013
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centres, Turkmenistan has com-     In addition, Turkmenistan also     are clearly reflected in the radical
          prehensively introduced accepted   works closely with foreign com-    transformations taking place in
          international standards into the   panies on the preparation of joint   key sectors of the economy, such
          education system. At the same      projects on electricity and the use   as construction, textiles, trans-
          time, work to improve this sys-    of other types of energy sources --  portation and communications.
          tem along with the use of the best   above all, solar and wind energy.
          international practices is based                                      Located at the crossroads of inter-
          on spiritual values and national   Since independence, Turkme-        continental transport routes,
          traditions, together with the rich   nistan has made great progress   Turkmenistan effectively uses all
          historical and cultural heritage of   in the gas industry and, in fact,   opportunities to establish mu-
          the Turkmen people.                successfully pursues a policy of   tually beneficial trade and eco-
                                                                                        nomic relations. Among
          Among the most impor-                                                         the major projects in
          tant tasks of the country                                                     this perspective is the
          in the era of independence                                                   "North—South" railway,
          is the introduction of new                                                   which is a symbol of the
          technologies in all areas                                                     revival of the ancient Silk
          of life and especially in                                                     Road.
          the national economy.
          Today, one can say with                                                       Alongside fundamental
          confidence that the es-                                                       changes in the country
          sence and meaning of the                                                      and other sectors of the
          term "innovation" has                                                         economy, the agricultural
          and will determine the                                                       sector has also reached a
          features of the modern                                                        new level of productivity.
          history of Turkmenistan.                                                      Turkmenistan has taken
                                                                                        extensive measures to
          The main policy of the                                                        make its agriculture more
          State in this area is aimed                                                   efficient, to increase pro-
          at the diversification of                                                    duction and to improve
          the national economy,                                                        the quality of agricultural
          the harmonious develop-                                                      products so as to take ad-
          ment of all regions of the                                                   vantage of export oppor-
          country, the introduction                                                    tunities, with a positive
          of new techniques in mo-                                                     impact on the working
          netary, fiscal and pricing                                                   and living conditions of
          policies, the development                                                    the rural population. As a
          of a market economy,                                                         result of all these actions,
          and State support for                                                        for the first time in its
          small and medium-sized                                                       history Turkmenistan has
          businesses. All this is re-                                                  joined the group of grain-
          flected in the "National                                                     exporting States.
          Programme of Socio-eco-
          nomic Development of                                                         In Turkmenistan much
          Turkmenistan for  2011-                                                      attention is devoted to
          2030"  and in the "Pro-                                                      the development of the
          gramme of the President                                                      health-care system and
          of Turkmenistan on the Socio-      creating a system of multi-vec-    achieving a healthy lifestyle. To-
          economic Development of the        tor pipelines. Good examples of    day, special significance is given
          Country in 2012-2016".             these are the "Turkmenistan-       to a proverb "The health of the
                                             China" and a new branch of the     nation is the country's wealth!".
          The leading sector of the national   "Turkmenistan—Iran" pipelines    At present, in all parts of Turk-
          economy is the fuel and energy     commissioned in 2009 and 2010,     menistan there are modern me-
          sector. The introduction of new    as well as the construction of the   dical centres, new clinics and
          technologies in this industry is of   "Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pa-   other health-care facilities, while
          great importance for its further   kistan-India" gas pipeline, the    the construction of new facilities
          modernization. In the energy sec-  work on implementation of which    continues at a high pace.
          tor, Turkmenistan produces large   is taking place at the time of wri-
          volumes of oil and gas, and seeks   ting.                             Establishment of effective inter-
          equal and mutually beneficial                                         national cooperation largely
          cooperation with all countries of   The high rates of socio-economic   contributes to achieving such
          the world.                         development in Turkmenistan        great success in this area. Among

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