Page 12 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 12

Interview with Hi



         Minister of the Eco

            Mr Boulaleh is a young          has in the past represented approxi-  Tourism in Djibouti is a strategic sec-
            and dynamic Minister of         mately  25%  of our gross domestic   tor which we will develop. Currently,
            the Economy, with many          product (GDP). This proportion is   the infrastructure is a little lacking,
            different portfolios under      now decreasing, but nevertheless it   but it is only a matter of time before
                                            still amounts to between 15 and 20%.   we will remedy this situation. In fact,
            his umbrella. He was re-
                                            We also export other products from   one of the reasons for my presence
            cently appointed minister,
                                            member countries of the Common     here is to promote tourism, and to
            but before entering into
                                            Market for Eastern and Southern    develop tourist services. There would
            this position he had been,      Africa (COMESA).                   be whole new areas that would be
            among other things, lectu-                                         dedicated to the development of this
            ring in economy and inter-      The country is exporting services. In a   sector. We are currently putting in
            national law at the Univer-     recent study carried out by The World   place a marketing programme so that
            sity of Djibouti. He was in     Bank, it was noted that the tourism   people understand that Djibouti is an
                                            sector could potentially represent   interesting tourist destination.
            Geneva recently and we
                                            10% of the GDP, so this is a sector that
            had the opportunity of
                                            we are currently intending to develop   Djibouti is a small country and you
            meeting him.
                                            further. Geographically, we are not   really have to promote it for people to
                                            too far away from Egypt and, with the   see it from another angle. In Djibouti
                                            recent problems in that country, we   there is a programme for the deve-
         Q: Your Excellency, could you      hope to attract more tourists. Ethio-  lopment of the infrastructure, for
         tell us about the economic situa-  pia is a land-locked country with the   instance, of maritime transport. We
         tion in your country?              result that there is more and more   are planning to build three or four
                                            integration between our two        new harbour complexes in addition
         The economy of Djibouti grew by    countries. Therefore, we also hope   to those we already have.
         5.8%  in  2012,  but we hope to have   that tourists who visit Ethiopia could
         an even higher economic growth rate   then spend a couple of days in Dji-  Currently we are also building a rail-
         next year. Since the financial crisis   bouti to benefit from our sea coast.   way that will link Djibouti and Addis
         in 2008 there was a slowdown of the   In Ethiopia there are a lot of archaeo-  Ababa. The investors are mainly
         economy, but with all the projects   logical sites and much to visit, but   Chinese, together with some other
         that are currently underway, growth   they do not have any beaches or ac-  countries and donors.
         could easily be a two digit number by   cess to the sea. We are at the junction
         2014.                              between the Indian Ocean and the Red   We have set up a programme cal-
                                            Sea, and we have splendid beaches.   led Vision Djibouti  2030  which, if
         Countries in the sub-region -- South   We also have one unique feature: du-  it materializes, would enable us to
         Sudan and Ethiopia -- are more     ring several months of the year, you   be counted among the emergent
         and more using Djiboutian infra-   can swim with whales -- something   countries, whether in human capital
         structure, such as the port facilities.   that is quite unique in this world. We   development or infrastructure. There
         These countries too have dynamic   have Lake 'Assal, the lowest area of   would be special economic zones
         economies, so we benefit from a mul-  water in Africa, a lake similar to the   favouring tourism, as well as indus-
         tiplier effect.                    one you find in Jordan -- the Dead   trial production units which will not

                                            Sea. As I said, given the trouble in   only produce what we consume our-
         We also export strategic services. We   the Middle East, we hope that many   selves but also lead to exports in the
         rent out military bases to the United   tourists will be tempted to come   fields where we have comparative
         States, France, Japan, etc., and this   to us and discover something new.   advantages.

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