Page 9 - DIVA_2_2013
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unsuspecting. A new report just out
from security specialist McAfee and
the Center for Strategic and Inter-
national Studies, estimates annual
global losses to cybercrime at as
much as US$500 billion. There's no
doubt at all that this is a very serious
issue that is getting worse each year.
Criminal attacks are getting very
sophisticated, so that even the best-
prepared companies and govern-
ments cannot consider themselves
immune. But let me say once again
that the positive aspects far outweigh
the negative ones.
One of the most pressing issues that
concern us all is how to protect child-
ren online. Young people are among
the most vulnerable to unethical and
criminal behaviour, because they are
by nature naïve and trusting. This is
as true in the online world as it is in
the real world, but right now many
adults are unaware of the dangers.
They will warn their children about
risks out on the street, but not about
the risks linked to the computers in
their own bedrooms. That's why ITU
launched its Child Online Protection
(COP) initiative. I am very proud cyberpeace treaty, where countries crime before they go offline, making
that President Chinchilla of Costa undertake to protect Internet access them very hard to trace. I think with
Rica has become the Global Patron for their citizens, shield them from the right framework and technical
of this initiative and we are delighted attacks, and not initiate attacks on platform, we could all help one ano-
that Nigeria's First Lady, Dame other nations. In the past, we've seen ther fight this scourge - and ITU,
Patience Jonathan, has just accepted a lot of finger-pointing related to as the organization with almost 150
to become ITU's first COP Champion. cyberattacks, with China and Russia years of global cooperation behind
The COP initiative has developed often used as convenient scapegoats. it, would be best-placed to assist.
comprehensive sets of guidelines Now I think it is clear that this is a
targeted at educators, at parents, much broader problem. Let me close on a positive note,
and at ICT developers. We're very however, by expressing a note of
proactively working to engage even I believe we need to find a way optimism. We are not close to a
more partners to promote this vitally forward that benefits everyone, cyberwar yet, and most governments
important issue. without humiliating any govern- clearly understand the dangers
ment. In the area of cyber espionage involved, and know that there are no
Q. In view of the leak by Edward particularly, one can understand the winners in any war, and especially in
Snowden in the United States motives - all countries need to safe- cyberspace.
exposing Internet surveillance guard their national security and
by the CIA and the NSA, many defend their interests. But the means We have before us a tremendous
observers now fear a tightening may have gone too far. We need to opportunity to harvest together some
of control in the United States bring everyone to the table to dis- of the low hanging fruit, and agree
to the level one sees already cuss globally agreeable principles on our common denominators. The
in Iran and China, with other we can all adhere to. In addition, COP initiative is a great example of
countries following suit. Do I've recently proposed the adoption a unifying goal, since children are
you share this fear? of a common procedure that can clearly a top priority everywhere.
help trace attacks, by automatically They are the future of this planet
The revelations give us an unprece- notifying countries of IP addresses and we have a shared responsibility
dented opportunity to build bridges. suspected of being the sources of to protect them. We must therefore
We know that greater global co- attacks. This would greatly enhance continue to work with all stake-
operation is needed because cyber- the responsiveness of cybercrime holders - including, of course, child-
threats are a transborder problem. fighters - criminals sometimes only ren and young people themselves. U
We need to think about a new kind of need 10 minutes to commit their
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