Page 8 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 8

Questions for

        Dr Hamadoun Toure"

        Secretary General, ITU

        Q.  A couple of months ago you     relentlessly, and surveillance
        accepted to co-organize with       - both through networked
        Diva a discussion and a pain-      CCTV systems and via online
        ting exhibit on the theme of  'data mining' - is increasing
        modern technologies and art.       throughout countries world-
        Why do you think that art is so    wide.
        important in our society that it
        should be linked to technology?    But Orwell's dystopian vision
                                           of technology was very pessi-
        Technology is playing an active role   mistic - he failed to see the
        in inspiring the imaginations of   empowering, liberating side
        artists everywhere and in making   of ICTs. He did not envision
        art itself more accessible - both to   the potential of technology
        those creating it and to those appre-  to break down barriers - lin-
        ciating it. Throughout human histo-  guistic, geographic, socio-
        ry, artists have embraced new tech-  economic - and to give the whole   enabler for just about every type of
        nologies as they became available   world a chance to express itself. He   human activity is absolutely correct.
        - from the invention of papyrus by   did not recognize the power of sha-  We'll never meet the Millennium
        the Egyptians, to the development   ring across networks, such as we see   Development Goals without the help
        of new techniques in stone carving   with today's fast-evolving social me-  of ICTs. We'll never get universal
        in Ancient Greece, to the perfection   dia channels. He did not predict the   education without e-education
        of frescoes and oil painting in the   ways in which technology can radi-  platforms. Or improve worldwide
        past thousand years, to the use of   cally improve the lives of those living   healthcare without e-health tech-
        mediums such as photography, film   with disabilities. And he did not   nologies. Or improve environmen-
        and multimedia in the 20th century.   foresee the ability of ICTs to change   tal management without ICT-based
        Within the context of this cultural   economic paradigms, through inno-  monitoring systems. ICTs can help
        and technological progress we see   vations like mobile banking, e-com-  us meet just about every challenge
        one constant - the desire, indeed the   merce and out-sourcing - which can   - and I firmly believe that this is
        need, to communicate. The desire to   prove a real boon to under-developed   still very early days. The truly trans-
        cross linguistic and cultural divides,   regions and marginalized communi-  formational power of technology is
        and to reach out and inspire other   ties. Personally, I am a great optimist   probably still to come, through sys-
        people, both near and far. The desire   concerning the positive potential of   tems and applications that we have
        to have a voice and to be heard. ICTs   ICTs, and although you will also hear   not yet even dreamt of... ICTs will
        bring the potential to reach out to   me addressing the negative aspects,   help us to address greatest chal-
        all of humanity, and give everyone a   and in particular cybersecurity, it   lenges of our time, including such
        voice, regardless of where they live,   is important to remember that the   important issues as climate change
        or whatever their circumstances,   positive aspects of ICTs far outweigh   and sustainable development.
        across the world.                  the negative aspects.
                                                                              Q.  We hear about cyber attacks,
        Q.  Observing modern society,      Q.  During your tenure at the      cyber criminality, and abuses
        we have the impression that we     ITU, we have seen the tremen-      on the WWW. The internet is it-
        have definitely come close to      dous development of the ICTs,      self a wonderful tool, but there
        the world Orwell described so      and we have the impression         is much abuse, which seems
        brilliantly in 1984. Would one     that you have perhaps become       impossible to control. What
        be justified in seeing ICTs im-    the most important agency in       can we really do to protect our-
        plicated in the creation of this   the UN system. What do you         selves from it?
        new world?                         think about it all?
                                                                              Like all tools, the Net has its good
        There's no doubt that some of that   I don't know that I could go so far as to   and bad sides. Like all tools, it can be
        Orwellian vision has come true -   call ITU 'the most important agency   used for positive, constructive deve-
        video screens are now a near-ubiqui-  in the UN' - that sounds rather   lopment, or it can be used destruc-
        tous part of the urban and domestic   big-headed! But your implication   tively and maliciously by criminals
        environment, we are 'marketed to'   that technology has become the vital   looking to prey on the innocent and

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